张 禾,苟 林,梁海波.基于 DC-SAM 液位识别模型的非满管流量计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):61-69
基于 DC-SAM 液位识别模型的非满管流量计
Non-full tube flowmeter based on DC-SAM liquid level identification model
中文关键词:  非满管测量  DC-SAM  超声流量计  液位识别
英文关键词:non-full tube measurement  DC-SAM model  ultrasonic flowmeter  liquid level to identify
基金项目:中国石油 西南石油大学创新联合体项目(2020CX040302)资助
张 禾 1.西南石油大学机电工程学院 
苟 林 1.西南石油大学机电工程学院 
梁海波 1.西南石油大学机电工程学院 
Zhang He 1.Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University 
Gou Lin 1.Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University 
Liang Haibo 1.Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University 
摘要点击次数: 394
全文下载次数: 868
      在工业生产过程中超声流量计凭借非接触测量、适用多种流体介质等优点发挥着重要作用。 针对目前超声流量检测抗 干扰能力差,检测精度较低等问题,提出了一种结合模式识别的四声道非满管超声流量计;该系统通过带浮点运算的高性能 ARM 处理器进行 FFT 运算,求出四声道的综合流速;配合边缘计算芯片来识别出管道的液位,并基于液位修正模型提升识别稳 定性。 在液位识别模型中利用特征提取模块和空间注意力机制模块来提取有效特征,使用随机森林进行液位分类。 实验结果 表明,DC-SAM 算法相对于其他模型更快收敛,准确率达到 96. 6%;该系统在流量实验中,对比标定流量计能达到 96. 5%的准确 度,且具有较好的线性度;可以准确识别液位和流量,在保持较高测量精度的同时满足检测的稳定性要求。
      In the industrial production process, ultrasonic flowmeter plays an important role with the advantages of non-contact measurement and suitable for various fluid media. Aiming at the problems of poor anti-interference ability and low detection accuracy of ultrasonic flow detection, a four-channel non-full tube ultrasonic flowmeter combined with pattern recognition is proposed. The system uses a high-performance chip with floating point operation for FFT calculation and calculates the integrated velocity of four channels, and identifies the liquid level of the non-full pipe with the edge calculation chip, and then improves the identification stability through the liquid level correction model. In the liquid level recognition model, the feature extraction module and the spatial attention mechanism module are used to extract the effective features, and the random forest classification module is used to classify the liquid level. The experimental results show that the DC-SAM algorithm can converge faster than other models, and the accuracy can reach 96. 6%. In the flow experiment, the system can achieve 96. 5% accuracy and good linearity compared with the calibrated flowmeter. The system can accurately identify liquid level and non-full pipe flow, and meet the stability requirements of detection while maintaining high measurement accuracy, which proves the feasibility of operation and deployment of edge calculation in ultrasonic flow detection.
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