郁 明,杨 柳,杨荣立.电动代步车鲁棒故障检测与容错控制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):38-46
Robust fault detection and fault-tolerant control of electric scooter
中文关键词:  主动容错控制  极限学习机  区间自适应阈值  电动代步车
英文关键词:active fault-tolerant control  extreme learning machine  interval adaptive threshold  electric scooter
郁 明 1. 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
杨 柳 1. 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 
杨荣立 2. 安徽江淮汽车股份有限公司技术中心 
Yu Ming 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology 
Yang Liu 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology 
Yang Rongli 2. Technical Center of Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Corporation 
摘要点击次数: 541
全文下载次数: 845
      针对具有参数不确定性的电动代步车系统,提出一种基于区间自适应阈值和控制律重构策略的主动容错控制方法。 首 先,建立电动代步车系统的不确定性诊断键合图模型,并设计基于区间解析冗余关系的区间自适应阈值以提高参数不确定下的 故障检测性能。 其次,设计系统无故障情况下滑模控制律以实现代步车速度跟踪。 接着,构建参数故障条件下的滑模控制律, 利用极限学习机对滑模控制律中用来补偿未知参数故障的控制项进行实时估计,并利用故障检测结果进行控制律的实时切换。 最后,通过实验结果分析,验证了基于区间自适应阈值的鲁棒故障检测方法有效性,以及参数故障下主动容错控制方法的可 行性。
      In this paper, an active fault-tolerant control method based on interval adaptive threshold and control law reconstruction strategy is developed for electric scooter system with uncertain parameters. Firstly, the uncertain diagnostic bond graph model of the electric scooter system is established, and the interval adaptive threshold based on interval valued analytical redundancy relations is developed to improve the fault detection performance in the presence of parameter uncertainties. Secondly, the sliding mode control law is designed under normal conditions to realize the speed tracking of electric scooter. After that, the sliding mode control law under faulty condition is established where the extreme learning machine is adopted to estimate the term compensating the unknown parameter fault in the control law in a real time manner. The switching of control law can be implemented online using the fault detection result. Finally, through the analysis of experimental results, the effectiveness of the robust fault detection method based on the interval adaptive threshold is proved, and the feasibility of the active fault-tolerant control method in the presence of parameter fault is verified.
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