董慧芬,严 力,孙浩远.基于单目视觉的机械臂灯具清洗定位系统[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(2):114-121
Manipulator positioning system of lamps cleaning based on monocular vision
中文关键词:  单目视觉  助航灯具  改进 Otsu  质心定位  误差补偿
英文关键词:monocular vision  navigational lamp  improved otsu  centroid positioning  error compensation
基金项目:天津市自然科学基金(17JCYBJC18200)、中国交通教育研究会交通教育科学研究课题(JTYB20 138)、中国民航大学实验技术创新基金(2020CXJJ92)项目资助
董慧芬 1.中国民航大学电子信息与自动化学院 
严 力 1.中国民航大学电子信息与自动化学院 
孙浩远 1.中国民航大学电子信息与自动化学院 
Dong Huifen 1.College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China 
Yan Li 1.College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China 
Sun Haoyuan 1.College of Electronics Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China 
摘要点击次数: 952
全文下载次数: 775
      在机场嵌入式助航灯具自动清洗过程中,为了取得灯具发光口中心和机械臂的相对位置实现机械臂精准定位,设计了 基于单目视觉的机械臂灯具清洗定位系统。 首先,采用 D-H 法建立机械臂运动学模型;然后,根据夜间灯具发光的强逆光性以 及环境干扰,提出一种优化阈值准则和缩小阈值搜索范围的改进 Otsu 算法对图像进行分割,再利用质心法提取灯具发光口中 心位置;最后,在夜间条件下,进行实验分析并对定位误差采用最小二乘法进行补偿。 实验结果表明,所设计的机械臂灯具清洗 定位系统速度快、精度高,与传统 Otsu 算法和改进的随机霍夫变换算法相比,定位精度分别提高 72. 5%和 55. 5%,且平均定位 精度达到 8. 7 mm,满足灯具清洗要求。
      In the automatic cleaning process of embedded aeronautical ground lights in airport, in order to obtain the center of lamps emitting port and the relative position of the manipulator to achieve precise positioning of the manipulator, a positioning system of lamps cleaning for manipulator arm based on monocular vision is designed. Firstly, the kinematics model of the manipulator was established by D-H method. Then, according to the strong backlight characteristics of lamps and environmental interference at night, an improved Otsu algorithm was proposed to segment the image by optimizing the threshold criterion and reducing the search range of threshold, and then the center of mass method was used to extract the center position of the lamps emitting port. Finally, under night conditions, the experiment was analyzed and the least square method was used to compensate the positioning error. The experimental results show that the designed manipulator arm positioning system of lamps cleaning has high speed and high precision. Compared with the traditional Otsu algorithm and the improved random Hough transform algorithm, the positioning accuracy was improved by 72. 5% and 55. 5% respectively, and the average positioning accuracy reaches 8. 7 mm, which meets the requirements of lamp cleaning.
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