Online vibration crack detection algorithm based on computer vision
中文关键词:  裂纹检测  疲劳裂纹  振动台  计算机视觉  在线监测
英文关键词:crack detection  fatigue crack  vibration table  computer vision  online monitoring
丁伟利 1.燕山大学 
任天赐 1.燕山大学 
谭伟敏 1.燕山大学 
王文锋 1.燕山大学 
Ding Weili 1.Yanshan University 
Ren Tianci 1.Yanshan University 
Tan Weimin 1.Yanshan University 
Wang Wenfeng 1.Yanshan University 
摘要点击次数: 607
全文下载次数: 794
      金属零部件的质量检测是劳动密集型工作,一般通过疲劳测试评价金属零部件质量,对金属零部件质量进行准确评估 的依据,能够指导设计合理的机械结构并有效减少安全事故和经济损失。 为了快速筛选质量合格、抗振性较强的金属零部件, 针对疲劳测试中快速振动的金属零部件,提出了一种基于计算机视觉的振动疲劳裂纹在线检测算法。 该算法首先基于前后帧 对齐方法消除振动产生的位移和运动模糊,然后利用帧间差法检测零部件表面变化,最后根据裂纹的纹理特征和几何特征通过 分割算法得到裂纹形态和长度参数。 实验结果表明,与静态条件下的裂纹检测算法相比,提出算法能够在振动台不停机的情况 下,自动地获取零部件裂纹的位置、长度及形状等信息,记录裂纹的延展过程,可以大大提高振动裂纹检测的工作效率。
      The quality inspection of metal parts is a labor-intensive work. Generally, fatigue test is used to evaluate the quality of metal parts and the basis for accurate evaluation of the quality of metal parts, which can guide the design of reasonable mechanical structure and effectively reduce safety accidents and economic losses. In order to quickly screen qualified metal parts with strong vibration resistance, an online detection algorithm of vibration fatigue crack based on computer vision is proposed for metal parts with rapid vibration in fatigue test. Firstly, the displacement and motion blur caused by vibration are eliminated based on the front and rear frame alignment method, and then the surface changes of parts are detected by the inter frame difference method. Finally, the crack shape and length parameters are obtained by the segmentation algorithm according to the texture and geometric characteristics of the crack. The experimental results show that compared with the crack detection algorithm under static conditions, the proposed algorithm can automatically obtain the location, length and shape of parts’ cracks without stopping the shaking table, and record the crack propagation process, which can greatly improve the work efficiency of vibration crack detection.
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