李强龙,孙建瑞,赵 坤,王 凯.基于 IALO-SVR 的锂电池健康状态预测[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(1):204-211
基于 IALO-SVR 的锂电池健康状态预测
Prediction for the state of health of lithium-ion batteries based on IALO-SVR
中文关键词:  锂离子电池  健康状态  改进的蚁狮优化算法  支持向量回归
英文关键词:lithium-ion battery  state of health  improved antlion optimization algorithm  support vector regression
李强龙 1. 青岛大学电气工程学院 
孙建瑞 2. 山东广域科技 
赵 坤 2. 山东广域科技 
王 凯 1. 青岛大学电气工程学院 
Li Qianglong 1. College of Electrical Engineering, Qingdao University 
Sun Jianrui 2. Shandong Guangyu Technology 
Zhao Kun 2. Shandong Guangyu Technology 
Wang Kai 1. College of Electrical Engineering, Qingdao University 
摘要点击次数: 502
全文下载次数: 968
      健康状态(SOH)预测作为锂离子电池管理系统(BMS)的关键功能之一,对于保证电池安全可靠运行、降低电池系统维 护成本具有重要意义。 为了提高锂电池 SOH 预测精度,提出一种基于改进的蚁狮优化算法和支持向量回归( IALO-SVR) 的 SOH 预测方法,首先从电池充电数据中提取与电池容量相关的特征因子并进行相关性分析,选取相关度高的 3 个作为模型特征 输入,再导入样本数据,通过改进的蚁狮优化算法(IALO)对 SVR 模型的关键参数进行寻优,建立最终预测模型。 在 NASA 公开 数据集上与现有的遗传算法-支持向量回归(GA-SVR)和改进粒子群算法-支持向量回归( IPSO-SVR)进行对比实验,结果表明 IALO-SVR 方法拥有更高的预测精度与拟合度,预测误差基本保持在 1%以内,验证了预测方法的可行性。
      State of health (SOH) prediction, as one of the key functions of lithium ion battery management system (BMS), is of great significance to ensure the safe and reliable operation of batteries and reduce the maintenance cost of battery system. In order to improve the prediction accuracy of lithium battery SOH, a SOH prediction method based on improved ant-lion optimization algorithm and support vector regression (IALO-SVR) is proposed. Firstly, the characteristic factors related to battery capacity are extracted from the battery charging data, and the correlation analysis is carried out. The three features with high correlation are selected as the model feature inputs, and then the sample data is imported. The key parameters of SVR model are optimized by the IALO algorithm, and the final prediction model is established. Compared with the existing GA-SVR and IPSO-SVR, the results show that IALO-SVR method NASA has higher prediction accuracy and fitting degree, and the prediction error is basically kept within 1%, which verifies the feasibility of the prediction method.
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