李 斌,阎君宇.基于 GAF-CNN 的弓网电弧识别方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(1):188-195
基于 GAF-CNN 的弓网电弧识别方法研究
Research on recognition method of pantograph arc based on GAF-CNN
中文关键词:  滑动电接触  图像编码  格拉姆角场  卷积神经网络
英文关键词:sliding electrical contact  image coding  Gram angle field  convolutional neural network
李 斌 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
阎君宇 1.辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 
Li Bin 1.Faulty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
Yan Junyu 1.Faulty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liaoning Technical University 
摘要点击次数: 696
全文下载次数: 896
      由于高速铁路接触网会产生弓网电弧对弓网系统有危害,为了减少弓网损害。 提出一种电流时间序列编码技术,即格 拉姆角求和/ 差分场(GASF / GADF)。 由于不同受流状态的电流信号不同,其时间序列编码形成的图像也不同,这使得计算机 视觉技术可以用于时间序列分类,用来识别弓网电弧。 共进行了 5 组不同条件下的弓网受流实验,测量得到不同条件下弓网系 统中的电流数据,并将弓网实验得到的电流数据的状态分为正常受流状态和电弧受流状态。 通过构建神经网络,提取电弧电流 信号,以格拉姆角场(GAF)图像的形式直观展示了卷积神经网络(CNN)对弓网电弧数据的抽象特征提取情况。 实验结果表 明,该方法可在不同条件下准确识别弓网电弧避免视频图像背景变化的问题为弓网电弧故障识别提供一种思路。
      Since the catenary of high-speed railway will produce pantograph arc, it is harmful to pantograph system, in order to reduce pantograph damage. A current time series coding technology, namely, the Gram angle summation / differential field (GASF/ GADF) is proposed. Because the current signals of different current receiving states are different, the images formed by their time series coding are also different, which makes computer vision technology can be used for time series classification to identify pantograph arcs. A total of five groups of pantograph receiving experiments were carried out under different conditions to measure the current data in pantograph system under different conditions, and the current data obtained from pantograph experiments were divided into normal receiving state and arc receiving state. By constructing a neural network and extracting the arc current signal, it visually demonstrates the abstract feature extraction of the CNN from the arch-net arc data in the form of a Gram angle field (GAF) image. The experimental results show that the method in this paper can accurately identify pantograph and network arcs under different conditions, avoiding the problem of video image background changes, and provides an idea for pantograph and network arc fault identification.
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