郝真鸣,雷帅帅,刘军堂,郝晋渊.一种 Petri 网禁止状态控制器综合方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(1):180-187
一种 Petri 网禁止状态控制器综合方法
Supervisor synthesis for a class of Petri nets
中文关键词:  Petri 网  禁止状态  约束转换  自动制造系统
英文关键词:Petri net  forbidden state  constraint conversion  automatic manufacturing system
郝真鸣 1. 河北大学电子信息工程学院,2. 河北大学物联网智能技术研究中心 
雷帅帅 1. 河北大学电子信息工程学院 
刘军堂 1. 河北大学电子信息工程学院 
郝晋渊 3. 河北大学-中央兰开夏传媒与创意学院,4. 河北大学节能技术研发中心 
Hao Zhenming 1. College of Electronic Information Engineering,Hebei University,2. Laboratory of IoT Technology,Hebei University 
Lei Shuaishuai 1. College of Electronic Information Engineering,Hebei University 
Liu Juntang 1. College of Electronic Information Engineering,Hebei University 
Hao Jinyuan 3. HBU-UCLan School of Media Communication and Creative Industries,Hebei University,4. Laboratory of Energy-Saving Technology, Hebei University 
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      针对含有不可控变迁 Petri 网的禁止状态问题,提出了一种基于整数线性规划的控制器综合方法,该方法适用于任意普 通 Petri 网模型。 首先,根据 Petri 网的结构特性构建所有不可控变迁应满足的约束条件集合,其次通过求解整数线性规划问题 将给定的线性约束转换为允许线性约束;最后,利用库所不变量方法设计控制器将转换后的约束综合到 Petri 网中。 以某零件 加工系统为例进行实验,实验结果表明,提出的方法简单高效,对实际自动制造系统的禁止状态监控问题具有一定借鉴意义。
      Aiming at the forbidden state problem of Petri nets with uncontrollable transitions, a controller synthesis method based on integer linear programming is proposed, which is suitable for any ordinary Petri nets model. Firstly, according to the structural characteristics of Petri nets, a set of constraint conditions that all uncontrollable transitions should satisfy is constructed. Secondly, the given linear constraints are converted into admissible linear constraints by solving the integer linear programming problem. Finally, the invariant method of the library is used to design the controller and integrate the converted constraints into the Petri net. The experimental results show that the proposed method is simple and efficient, and can be used as a reference for the forbidden state monitoring in the actual automatic manufacturing system.
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