程朋飞,朱燕萍,潘金燕,王福斌,陈至坤,王玉田.三维荧光光谱技术结合交替残差三线性化算法 检测成品油污染物[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(1):62-69
三维荧光光谱技术结合交替残差三线性化算法 检测成品油污染物
Detection of refined oil pollutants by three-dimensional fluorescence spectrumcombined with alternate residual trilinearization algorithm
中文关键词:  交替残差三线性  三维荧光光谱  油类污染物  二阶校正  检测
英文关键词:ART  three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum  oil pollutants  second-order calibration  detection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(61803154)、河北省自然基金项目(F2019209323, F2019209443)、河北省研究生示范课程建设项目(KCJSX2021061)、河北省高校基本科研业务费项目(JQN2021020)资助
程朋飞 1. 华北理工大学电气工程学院 
朱燕萍 1. 华北理工大学电气工程学院 
潘金燕 1. 华北理工大学电气工程学院 
王福斌 1. 华北理工大学电气工程学院 
陈至坤 1. 华北理工大学电气工程学院 
王玉田 2. 燕山大学河北省测试计量技术与仪器重点实验室 
Cheng Pengfei 1. College of Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Zhu Yanping 1. College of Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Pan Jinyan 1. College of Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Wang Fubin 1. College of Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Chen Zhikun 1. College of Electrical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Wang Yutian 2. Measurement Technology and Instrument Key Lab of Hebei Province, Yanshan University 
摘要点击次数: 734
全文下载次数: 1845
      油类污染物是危害生态环境的主要因素之一,混合油类污染物的精确识别与测量对于环境监测具有重要意义。 针对混 合油类污染物光谱组分严重重叠,难以采用化学方法进行分辨的问题,研究采用三维荧光光谱技术结合交替残差三线性化 (alternating residuals trilinearization, ART)算法检测油类污染物。 ART 算法是对平行因子的改进,无需预先设定因子数。 搭建 三维荧光光谱检测系统,研究 0#柴油、97#汽油和煤油的三维荧光光谱特征。 配置 30 组 0#柴油、97#汽油和煤油的 SDS 胶束溶 液,采用 ART 算法对混合油类污染物散射消除后的三维荧光光谱数据进行解析,实验结果表明 ART 算法对 0#柴油、97#汽油和 煤油的平均回收率分别为 103. 6%、97. 32%和 99. 86%,解析得到的 3 种成分光谱与真实光谱吻合度较高,定性和定量分析均表 明,三维荧光光谱结合 ART 算法是一种有效的成品油污染物检测方法。
      Oil pollutants are one of the main factors that endanger the ecological environment. The accurate identification and measurement of mixed oil pollutants is of great significance for environmental monitoring. In view of the serious overlap of spectral components of mixed oil pollutants, it is difficult to distinguish them by chemical methods. In this study, three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum combined with alternating residuals trilinearization (ART) algorithm is adopted to detect oil pollutants. ART algorithm is an improvement of parallel factor algorithm without presetting factor number. A three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum detection system was built to study the three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum characteristics of 0 # diesel oil, 97 # gasoline and kerosene. 30 groups of SDS micelle solutions of 0 # diesel oil, 97 # gasoline and kerosene were configured, and three-dimensional fluorescence spectral data were obtained. The three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum data of mixed oil pollutants after scattering elimination were analyzed by ART algorithm. The experimental results show that the ART algorithm is effective for 0# diesel, 97# gasoline and kerosene. The average recovery rates of gasoline and kerosene are 103. 6%, 97. 32%, and 99. 86%, respectively. The spectra of the three components obtained by ART algorithm are in good agreement with the real spectrum. Both qualitative and quantitative analysis show that the threedimensional fluorescence spectrum combined with ART algorithm is an effective method for the detection of oil pollutants.
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