白 冰,朱维斌,黄垚,薛 梓.偏心偏斜对转台圆光栅莫尔信号的影响研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(1):1-10
Research on the effect of eccentricity and inclination onthe Moir􀆧 signal of turntable
中文关键词:  转台测角系统  偏心  偏斜  圆光栅  莫尔信号
英文关键词:turntable angular measurement system  eccentricity  inclination  circular grating  Moir􀆧 signal
白 冰 1. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院 
朱维斌 1. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院 
黄垚 2. 中国计量科学研究院 
薛 梓 2. 中国计量科学研究院 
Bai Bing 1. School of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University 
Zhu Weibin 1. School of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University 
Huangyao 2. National Institute of Metrology 
Xue Zi 2. National Institute of Metrology 
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全文下载次数: 853
      转台测角系统偏心偏斜会改变莫尔信号特征,并进一步影响转台定位精度。 针对偏心偏斜对转台圆光栅莫尔信号的影 响开展研究。 首先分析转台测角系统工作原理,阐述转台圆光栅莫尔信号特征分离方法原理;针对圆光栅莫尔信号特征误差源 进行分析,分别建立偏心和偏斜对莫尔信号特征的影响模型,明确莫尔信号特征谐波阶次与偏心、偏斜关系;基于 FPGA 开发莫 尔信号特征分离电路,并以自制电路板为实验平台,验证了莫尔信号特征分离方法可行性和分离电路功能有效性;搭建偏心、偏 斜测试平台验证偏心偏斜对转台圆光栅莫尔信号影响模型的准确性,实验结果表明,偏心、偏斜分别与莫尔信号特征一次、二次 谐波呈线性关系,非线性误差为 3. 88%和 2. 08%。
      The characteristics of Moir􀆧 signal and the positioning accuracy of turntable is sensitive to eccentricity and inclination. A research on the effect of eccentricity and inclination on the Moir􀆧 signal of grating of turntable in this paper. The working principle of turntable angular measurement system is described and the principle of separation method of Moir􀆧 signal characteristic is elaborated in detail. The error sources of Moir􀆧 signal are analyzed, the effect model of eccentricity and inclination are established respectively, and the relationship among the harmonic order of Moir􀆧 signal characteristic, eccentricity and inclination is deduced. The separation method of Moir􀆧 signal characteristic is implemented using a laboratory-made field-programmable gate array circuit. The result of experiment performed on the eccentricity and inclination test platform confirmed that eccentricity and inclination have linear relationship with first and second harmonic of Moir􀆧 signal characteristic, and nonlinear error is 3. 88% and 2. 08%.
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