王胜南,李敏艳.基于 ECT 的气固两相流颗粒浓度在线无损检测[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(12):52-58
基于 ECT 的气固两相流颗粒浓度在线无损检测
On-line nondestructive particle concentration measurement ofgas-solid two-phase flow based on ECT
中文关键词:  颗粒浓度  气固两相流  电容层析成像  在线无损检测
英文关键词:particle concentration  gas-solid two-phase flow  electrical capacitance tomography  on-line nondestructive measurement
王胜南 1.扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院 
李敏艳 1.扬州大学电气与能源动力工程学院 
Wang Shengnan 1.College of Electrical, Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University 
Li Minyan 1.College of Electrical, Energy and Power Engineering, Yangzhou University 
摘要点击次数: 1366
全文下载次数: 2317
      颗粒浓度是描述气固两相流动状态的一个重要参数。 推导了颗粒浓度与 ECT 传感器输出电容信号之间的关系,在此 基础上开展了气固两相流颗粒浓度在线无损检测研究。 在 COMSOL+MATLAB 环境下进行气固两相流颗粒浓度测量模拟实验, 定量评估了图像法和电容法颗粒浓度测量精度。 在循环湍动流化床冷模装置上进行了初步的颗粒浓度测量实验研究,实验结 果显示,在 200、300 和 400 mm 床层测量高度处利用图像法测得的颗粒体积浓度值分别在 0. 26 ~ 0. 75、0. 09 ~ 0. 33、0. 04 ~ 0. 31 范围内上下波动,而电容法的颗粒体积浓度测量值波动范围为 0. 27~ 0. 68、0. 09~ 0. 47、0. 04~ 0. 26。
      Particle concentration is an important parameter describing the flow state of gas-solid two-phase flow. In this paper, the relationship between the particle concentration and the output capacitance signals of the ECT sensor is derived, and the on-line nondestructive particle concentration measurement approach is studied to detect the two-phase flow. The simulation experiment of particle concentration measurement is performed using COMSOL and MATLAB, by which the accuracies of the image-based and capacitancebased particle concentration measurement approaches are quantitatively evaluated. A preliminary experimental study on particle concentration measurement of gas-solid two-phase flow is carried out in a circulating turbulent fluidized bed, and the experimental results show that the image-based particle volume concentration measured at the bed height of 200, 300 and 400 mm fluctuates in the range of 0. 26~ 0. 75, 0. 09~ 0. 33, 0. 04~ 0. 31, respectively, while the particle volume concentration measured by capacitance-based method is in the range of 0. 27~ 0. 68, 0. 09~ 0. 47, 0. 04~ 0. 26, respectively.
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