Application of PID tuning algorithm based on geneticoptimization in valve positioner
中文关键词:  电气阀门定位器  PID控制  继电反馈法  改进遗传算法  超调量
英文关键词:electric pneumatic valve positioner  PID control  relay feedback method  improved genetic algorithm  overshot
张涵 中国计量大学杭州310018 
刘铁军 中国计量大学杭州310018 
刘波 浙江嘉松科技有限公司温州325105 
谢代梁 中国计量大学杭州310018 
徐雅 中国计量大学杭州310018 
黄震威 中国计量大学杭州310018 
Zhang Han China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 
Liu Tiejun China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 
Liu Bo Zhejiang Jiasong Technology Co., Ltd, Wenzhou 325105, China 
Xie Dailiang China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 
Xu Ya China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 
Huang Zhenwei China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China 
摘要点击次数: 1641
全文下载次数: 1152
      When electric pneumatic valve positioner regulates the valve opening, large overshoot will be generated in the PID process. Natural deflating or adding anti reaction will be adopted to adjust the valve position, but the system robustness and control efficiency will be greatly affected. A genetic optimization PID tuning algorithm is proposed in this paper, based on the relay feedback method to estimate the system PID parameters roughly, then the improved genetic algorithm is used to optimize the PID parameters. The proposed methods enable the system to realize control without overshoot, improve the control accuracy, and shorten the adjustment time. In the process of controlling the pneumatic regulating valve with PID parameters obtained by this system, the overshoot can be controlled under 06%, and the adjusting time can be shortened by 66% compared with the traditional PID algorithm. Simulation and experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can realize stable, accurate and fast control mode, and this idea is proposed to optimize the control strategy of electric pneumatic valve positioner.
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