Generative adversarial network for image segmentation of train wheel rail contact area
中文关键词:  轮轨接触区域边缘曲线分割  生成对抗网络  卷积神经网络  对抗学习
英文关键词:edge curve segmentation of wheel rail contact area  generative adversarial network  convolutional neural network  adversarial learning
秦菲菲 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院兰州730070 
董昱 兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院兰州730070 
Qin Feifei College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China 
Dong Yu College of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China 
摘要点击次数: 2124
全文下载次数: 716
      The open constraint condition between the train and the track determines the objective existence of the train derailment. Curve segmentation of the edge of wheel rail contact area is of great significance to the research of the train wheel rail contact relationship. In this paper, an algorithm for the curve segmentation of the edge of wheel rail contact area based on generative adversarial networks is proposed. By introducing the residual module into the generator network, the sensitivity of the network to output changes is enhanced, and the generator weight can be better adjusted. In addition, in order to effectively expand the receiving area of the feature map, the expansion residual module is introduced. The experimental results show that the accuracy of curve segmentation of the edge of wheel rail contact area reaches 9613% by improved generative adversarial networks, and the sensitivity, specificity, F1 value and area under the ROC curve is 8390%, 9713%, 8367% and 9812% respectively, which verify that this method can accurately segment the edge curve of the wheel rail contact area.
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