Review on the application of quantum Hall effect in resistance standard
中文关键词:  量子霍尔效应  电阻标准  石墨烯  电阻电桥
英文关键词:quantum Hall effect  resistance standard  graphene  resistance bridge
宋海龙 北京航天河科技发展有限公司北京100080 
孙毅 北京东方计量测试研究所北京100086 
于珉 北京航天河科技发展有限公司北京100080 
何家伟 北京东方计量测试研究所北京100086 
赵佺 北京东方计量测试研究所北京100086 
黄晓钉 北京东方计量测试研究所北京100086 
Song Hailong Beijing Hang Tian He Science Technology Development Co. Ltd, Beijing 100080, China 
Sun Yi Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement & Test, Beijing 100086, China 
Yu Min Beijing Hang Tian He Science Technology Development Co. Ltd, Beijing 100080, China 
He Jiawei Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement & Test, Beijing 100086, China 
Zhao Quan Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement & Test, Beijing 100086, China 
Huang Xiaoding Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement & Test, Beijing 100086, China 
摘要点击次数: 3209
全文下载次数: 1279
      Quantum Hall effect provides the basis for primary resistance standard in electrical metrology. With discovery of new material and development of new technology, new progress is seen in quantum Hall resistance standard (QHRS). The development of QHRS is reviewed, starting from description of discovery of quantum Hall effect and its theory and universality, followed by introduction of GaAs based and graphene based quantum Hall devices and quantum resistance array, advantages of the new graphene based QHRS and its development status are introduced, different types of resistance bridges, including direct current comparator, cryogenic current comparator and low frequency current comparator, are summarized, and development trend of QHRS is prospected.
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