李云梦,关丽敏,王会峰,黄 鹤,高 荣,刘盼芝,温立民,吕景祥.旋转扫描结构光的三维检测系统及其标定[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(7):66-73
Three-dimensional detection system of rotating scanningstructured light and its calibration
中文关键词:  三维检测  线结构光  旋转扫描  双目视觉  系统标定
英文关键词:three-dimensional inspection  line structured light  rotating scanning  binocular vision  system calibration
李云梦 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
关丽敏 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
王会峰 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
黄 鹤 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
高 荣 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
刘盼芝 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
温立民 1. 长安大学 电子与控制工程学院 
吕景祥 2. 长安大学 工程机械学院 
Li Yunmeng 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Guan Limin 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Wang Huifeng 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Huang He 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Gao Rong 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Liu Panzhi 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Wen Limin 1. School of Electronic and Control Engineering, Chang′an University 
Lv Jingxiang 2. School of Engineering Machinery, Chang′an University 
摘要点击次数: 885
全文下载次数: 1109
      针对传统平移扫描检测系统的缺陷,提出了一种基于旋转扫描线结构光的三维检测与重构系统及对应的系统参数标定 方法,建立了点云数据获取模型。 被测物体通过旋转实现与线结构光间的相对运动,得到被测物体的外表面二维图像。 系统标 定获得图像坐标与世界坐标间的转换关系,得到被测物体的三维坐标信息及数字模型。 由实验可知,相机的标定精度为 0. 2 mm,原理样机进行物体测量的精度为 0. 1 mm。 实验证明该系统检测精度高,具有可行性。
      Aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional translational scanning detection system, a three-dimensional detection and reconstruction system based on rotating scanning line structured light and the corresponding system parameter calibration method are proposed, and a point cloud data acquisition model is established. The measured object makes a relative movement with linear structured light by rotation, and a two-dimensional image of the external surface of the measured object is obtained. The system calibration obtains the conversion relationship between the coordinates of the image and the coordinates of the world, and obtains the information of threedimensional coordinates and numerical model of the measured object. It can be seen from the experiment that the calibration accuracy of the camera is 0. 2 mm, and the accuracy of the principle prototype for object measurement is 0. 1 mm. Experiments prove that the system has high detection accuracy and feasibility.
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