张宝龙,许孝晨,梅志远,李 丹.基于 GMSL 的车载摄像系统研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(5):189-195
基于 GMSL 的车载摄像系统研究
Study on vehicle camera system based on GMSL
中文关键词:  串行器  解串器  摄像系统
英文关键词:serializer  de-serializer  camera system
张宝龙 1.天津科技大学 电子信息与自动化学院 
许孝晨 1.天津科技大学 电子信息与自动化学院 
梅志远 1.天津科技大学 电子信息与自动化学院 
李 丹 1.天津科技大学 电子信息与自动化学院 
Zhang Baolong 1.College of Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
Xu Xiaochen 1.College of Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
Mei Zhiyuan 1.College of Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
Li Dan 1.College of Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 734
全文下载次数: 3
      为了实现车载高清视频长距离、低损耗地传输,研究了基于吉比特多媒体串行链路(Gigabit multimedia serial link, GMSL)技术的车载摄像传输系统的框架及其原理。 通过对车载摄像传输系统的硬件电路、硬件编解码以及视频信号编码原理 的探究,设计了一款车载前视摄像系统。 首先,根据调研结果,模拟出传输系统整体环境框架。 接着,对供电电源以及视频信号 初始编解码的研究结论加以实际运用,使其能够稳定编码并有效传输视频信号。 然后,进一步探究加串器/ 解串器架构,在完成 配置硬件的同时,对数据波形进行采集、归纳和总结。 最后,分析恢复后所得的信号及图像质量并给予评价,从而完成对基于 GMSL 的车载摄像系统的研究。 实验结果表明,本摄像系统实现了串行、解串的功能。 该功能可以使用 GMSL 技术调制出能够 有效传输 15 m 的视频信号。 在主控对该视频信号解串后,最终能够得到稳定、实时的高清视频图像。 研究成果表明,基于 GMSL 的车载摄像系统基本能够实现长距离、低损耗地传输分辨率为 720 P 的视频图像。 进一步,此次研究成果能服务于当下 的汽车自动驾驶。
      In order to realize the long-distance and low-loss transmission of vehicle high-definition video, the framework and principle of vehicle camera transmission system based on GMSL technology are studied in this paper. Through the exploration of the hardware circuit, hardware codec and video signal coding principle of the vehicle camera transmission system, a vehicle forward-looking camera system is designed in this paper. First of all, the overall environmental framework of the transmission system is simulated according to the research results. Then, the research conclusions of the power supply and the initial coding and decoding of the video signal are applied in practice so that the video signal can be encoded stably and transmitted effectively. Moreover, the process of exploring the serializer/ de-serializer architecture, completing the configuration of the hardware, collecting and summarizing the data waveforms is conducted step by step. Finally, the restored signals are analyzed and image quality is evaluated, therefore, the research of the vehicle camera system based on GMSL is completed. The experimental results show that the camera system can well achieve the functions of serial and de-string to modulate the transmittable video signal over 15 m. After the master unstrings the video signal, a stable and real-time high-definition video image can be obtained at last. The research results show that the vehicle camera system can greatly transmit low-loss video images with resolution of 720 P over long distances. Furthermore, the outcomes of this research can be compatible with the current self-driving cars.
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