葛哲阳,罗 强,刘泽元,高庆华.某型风洞内设备热防护控温策略研究及试验验证[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(5):182-188
Research and test verification of thermal protection temperaturecontrol strategy for the equipments in a wind tunne
中文关键词:  风洞  热防护  控温策略  试验验证
英文关键词:cryogenic wind tunnel  thermal protection  temperature control strategy  test verification
葛哲阳 1. 北京卫星环境工程研究所 
罗 强 2. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心 
刘泽元 1. 北京卫星环境工程研究所 
高庆华 1. 北京卫星环境工程研究所 
Ge Zheyang 1. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering 
Luo Qiang 2. China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center 
Liu Zeyuan 1. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering 
Gao Qinghua 1. Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering 
摘要点击次数: 387
全文下载次数: 4
      降低风洞内部气流温度是提高其雷诺数指标的重要技术之一。 某风洞内部运行温度低至 77 K,为保证风洞内部设备 在低温环境下的正常工作,需对风洞内部分设备热防护进行研究,分别从加热元件选型、控温逻辑、控温算法和加热模式等角度 对典型设备的控温策略进行设计与分析。 设计搭建物理试验平台,在常温、低温两种典型温度条件下对控温策略的可行性进行 物理试验验证,试验结果表明,控温策略的综合设计可满足不同形体、热容及漏热条件的控温设计要求,控温精度优于 1 ℃ ,有 效保证了风洞内设备在低温环境下的工作性能。
      One of the important technologies to improve the Reynolds number is to reduce the temperature of the air flow inside the wind tunnel. The air flow working temperature can reach 77 K at least. At this time, it is necessary to carry out thermal protection for the internal equipment of the wind tunnel. In view of the complex layout and various characteristics of the equipment in the wind tunnel, this paper takes the thermal protection and temperature control strategy of the equipment in the wind tunnel as the research object, and designs the temperature control strategy of the typical equipment from the perspectives of heating element selection, temperature control logic, temperature control algorithm and heating mode. A physical test platform was designed and built. The feasibility of temperature control strategy was verified by the physical test platform under two typical temperature conditions of normal temperature and low temperature. The test results show that the comprehensive design of the temperature control strategy can meet the temperature control requirements of different shapes, heat capacities and heat leakage conditions, and the temperature control accuracy is better than 1 ℃ , which can meet the design requirements and effectively ensure the normal operation of the equipment in the wind tunnel.
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