易 芳,姜宏伟,李卢丹.飞机操纵参数联合在线校准技术研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(5):146-153
Research on joint online calibration of airplane control parameters
中文关键词:  飞行试验  联合在线校准  无线传感网络  在线校准装置
英文关键词:flight test  joint online calibration  wireless sensor network  online calibration device
易 芳 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
姜宏伟 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
李卢丹 1.中国飞行试验研究院 
Yi Fang 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
Jiang Hongwei 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
Li Ludan 1.Chinese Flight Test Establishment 
摘要点击次数: 665
全文下载次数: 3
      在飞机性能品质试飞中,获取操纵力、操纵位移及相应舵面偏度的准确数据是研究飞机操稳特性的有力保证。 针对传 统校准方法无法准确反映三类操纵参数联动关系的问题,就操纵参数测试系统开展联合在线校准技术研究。 通过构建无线传 感校准网络、设计在线校准装置、开发校准软件平台,实现多参数联合在线校准。 机上试验结果表明,所提方法将校准精度提高 50%以上,并将校准用时节省约 67%,且校准得到的位移-力曲线与设计曲线完全吻合,验证了该联合在线校准系统的可行性及 有效性。
      In the flight tests of an aircraft performance and quality, obtaining accurate data of control force, control displacement and corresponding surface deflection is a powerful guarantee for studying maneuverability and stability. Aiming at problem that the traditional calibration method cannot accurately reflect relation of the three kinds of control parameters, this paper carries out the research on the joint online calibration technologies for the control parameters’ testing system. Through building wireless-sensor calibration network, designing onsite calibration device, developing calibration software platform, the joint online calibration of multi-parameters was realized. Onboard test results show that the proposed method leads to more than 50% increasement in calibration accuracy and about 67% reduction in calibration time, and the displacement-force curve obtained from calibration is completely consistent with the design curve, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the joint online calibration system.
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