高 洁,张东亮,鹿利单,任光辉.基于跑道型微环谐振腔的 Fano 共振器件设计及 传感特性研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(5):24-30
基于跑道型微环谐振腔的 Fano 共振器件设计及 传感特性研究
Fano resonator design and sensing characteristics researchbased on racetrack micro-ring resonator
中文关键词:  Fano 共振  跑道结构  洛伦兹线形  折射率灵敏度
英文关键词:Fano resonance  racetrack structure  Lorentzian line shape  refractive index sensitivity
高 洁 1. 北京信息科技大学 光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,2. 北京信息科技大学 光纤传感与系统北京实验室 
张东亮 1. 北京信息科技大学 光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,2. 北京信息科技大学 光纤传感与系统北京实验室 
鹿利单 1. 北京信息科技大学 光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,2. 北京信息科技大学 光纤传感与系统北京实验室 
任光辉 1. 北京信息科技大学 光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,2. 北京信息科技大学 光纤传感与系统北京实验室 
Gao Jie 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Instrument,Beijing Information Science & Technology University, 2. Beijing Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and System, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
Zhang Dongliang 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Instrument,Beijing Information Science & Technology University, 2. Beijing Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and System, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
Lu Lidan 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Instrument,Beijing Information Science & Technology University, 2. Beijing Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and System, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
Ren Guanghui 1. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Instrument,Beijing Information Science & Technology University, 2. Beijing Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and System, Beijing Information Science & Technology University 
摘要点击次数: 924
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      与传统洛伦兹线形相比,具有不对称线形的 Fano 共振光谱有更高的光谱分辨率,尤其适合传感应用。 通过在硅基总线 波导与跑道微环谐振腔耦合区域引入两个空气孔使得连续光谱产生突变相移,并与跑道微环谐振腔耦合形成 Fano 共振,且在 较宽谱段范围内的每个共振峰都表现为非对称线形。 通过仿真优化耦合间距以及空气孔与耦合区域中心的偏移量,获得最大 光谱分辨率为 312. 05 dB/ nm, 消光比为 53. 09 dB 的硅基 Fano 共振器件。 在模仿被液体的折射率变化范围为 1. 33 ~ 1. 332 的 条件下,仿真得到折射率传感灵敏度为 125 nm/ RIU。 仿真结果表明本论文提出的器件结构简单,尺寸紧凑且制造误差小,为硅 光子器件应用到高灵度敏度的集成生化传感提供新思路。
      Compared with the traditional Lorentz line shape, the Fano resonance spectrum with asymmetric line shape has higher spectral resolution and is especially suitable for sensing applications. In this paper, two air holes are introduced in the coupling region of the silicon-based bus waveguide and the runway micro-ring cavity to make the continuous spectrum produce abrupt phase shift, and coupled with the runway micro-ring resonator to form Fano resonance, and in each of the wider spectrum range. All resonance peaks appear as asymmetrical lines. By optimizing the coupling distance and the offset between the air hole and the center of the coupling region through simulation, a silicon-based Fano resonant device with a maximum spectral resolution of 312. 05 dB/ nm and an extinction ratio of 53. 09 dB is obtained. Under the condition that the refractive index change range of the simulated liquid is 1. 33~ 1. 332, the simulation shows that the refractive index sensing sensitivity is 125 nm/ RIU. The simulation results show that the device proposed in this paper has simple structure, compact size and small manufacturing error, which provides a new idea for the application of silicon photonic devices to highly sensitive integrated biochemical sensors.
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