单宝琛,陈 晔,郑 宾.高精度弹载压力测试系统的设计与改善[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(4):225-231
Design and improvement of high-precision missile-borne pressure testing system
中文关键词:  弹载测试系统  复杂环境温度  压力测试  高精度  二次补偿  试验测试  对比分析  相对误差
英文关键词:missile-borne test system  complex ambient temperature  pressure test  high precision  secondary compensation  experimental testing  comparative analysis  relative error
单宝琛 1. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
陈 晔 1. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
郑 宾 1. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院,2. 中北大学 电子测试技术重点实验室 
Shan Baochen 1. School of Electrical and Control Engineering,North University of China 
Chen Ye 1. School of Electrical and Control Engineering,North University of China 
Zheng Bin 1. School of Electrical and Control Engineering,North University of China,2. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology,North University of China 
摘要点击次数: 567
全文下载次数: 3
      针对弹载压力测试过程中,传感器易受复杂多变的测试环境的影响从而导致测试结果与实际值偏差较大的问题,分析、 设计了一套用于复杂环境温度下的高精度弹载压力测试系统,并对其进行了实验测试,将其测试结果与常规压力测试系统的输 出进行了对比分析。 结果证明该弹载压力测试系统的满量程最大相对误差为 0. 025 6,仅为常规压力测试最大误差的 1 / 4。 为 满足更高精度的测试要求,采用二次补偿的方式完成了对原有测试系统的改进,并对改进前后的测试系统进行测试试验分析。 结果表明,改进后的弹载压力测试系统的满量程最大相对误差降低为 0. 004 8,测试精度较改进前提高一个数量级。
      This paper analyzes and designs a set of high-precision missile-borne pressure for complex environment temperature in response to the problem that the sensor is susceptible to the complex and changing test environment during the missile-borne pressure test process, resulting in a large deviation between the test results and the actual value. The test system was tested and tested. The test results were compared with the output of the conventional pressure test system. The results showed that the maximum relative error of the full-scale range of the missile-borne pressure test system was 0. 025 6, which was the largest for the conventional pressure test. 1 / 4 of the error. In order to meet the higher accuracy test requirements, the improvement of the original test system was completed by means of secondary compensation, and analyzed the system test results before and after the improvement. The results showed that the maximum relative error of the full-scale of the improved test system is reduced to 0. 004 8, and the test accuracy is improved by an order of magnitude compared with before the improvement.
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