张 刘,吴广栋,吴坤洋,高 鉴,张冠宇.双波段、双通道对接系统测距误差补偿方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(4):73-81
Research on ranging error compensation method of dockingsystem with dual band and dual channel
中文关键词:  误差补偿  双波段  神经网络  双通道
英文关键词:range compensation  dual band  neural networks  dual channel
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51705187)、科技部重点研发计划(2016YFB0501003)、上海科学技术委员会重点项目(16DZ1120400)、上海航天科技创新基金(SAST2018 046)项目资助
张 刘 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院 
吴广栋 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院 
吴坤洋 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院 
高 鉴 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院 
张冠宇 1.吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院 
Zhang Liu 1.College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University 
Wu Guangdong 1.College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University 
Wu Kunyang 1.College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University 
Gao Jian 1.College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University 
Zhang Guanyu 1.College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University 
摘要点击次数: 445
全文下载次数: 2
      为了完成空间航天对接任务,针对复杂光照条件下的对接孔位置测量问题,设计了一种双波段、双通道测距系统,并对 其测距误差补偿方法进行了研究。 在介绍了系统测距及误差补偿原理后,根据可见、近红外和双目的测距特点及误差分析结 果,利用神经网络对双波段数据进行融合补偿处理,实现弱光照、强光照及无光照条件下的对接孔位置测量。 通过实验测试,结 果表明在 0~ 10 m 的测量范围内,正常光照条件下系统的相对测量误差基本在 1%以内,弱光条件下相对测量误差基本在 2%以 内,相较于单目测距和双目测距分别提升了 8% ~ 9%和 4% ~ 5%。 较好地实现了在不同光照条件下进行较高精度测距的功能。
      In order to complete the spaceflight docking mission, address the problem of measuring the docking hole position under complex illumination conditions, design a docking hole position measurement system with dual band and dual channel based on the heterogeneous. The binocular distance measurement system of light source and its distance measurement error compensation method are studied. After introducing the binocular ranging and error compensation principle of heterogeneous light source, according to the visible, near-infrared and binocular ranging characteristics and error analysis results, using neural network to fuse and compensate the data from different light sources to achieve position measurement of docking holes under weak light, strong light and no light conditions. Through the experimental test, the results show that in the measurement range of 0 ~ 10 m, the relative measurement error of the system under normal light conditions is basically in the within 1%, the relative measurement error under low-light conditions is basically within 2%, which is 8% ~ 9% and 4% ~ 5% higher than that of monocular and binocular distance measurement respectively. The function of higherprecision distance measurement under different lighting conditions is better realized.
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