洪成雨,鲍成志,武亚军,张一帆,王南苏,娄在明.增材制造制备性能可控的 FBG 压力传感器研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(4):30-38
增材制造制备性能可控的 FBG 压力传感器研究
Study on fabrication of FBG pressure sensors with controllable measurementperformance using additive manufacturing technology
中文关键词:  增材制造  光纤布拉格光栅  压力传感器  碳纤维  聚乳酸脂
英文关键词:mdditive manufacturing  FBG sensor  pressure sensor  carbon fiber  polylactic acid
洪成雨 1. 深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院,2. 深圳大学未来地下城市研究院 
鲍成志 1. 深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院,2. 深圳大学未来地下城市研究院,3. 上海大学 力学与工程科学学院土木工程系 
武亚军 3. 上海大学 力学与工程科学学院土木工程系 
张一帆 4. 香港理工大学 3D 打印研究中心 
王南苏 1. 深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院,2. 深圳大学未来地下城市研究院,3. 上海大学 力学与工程科学学院土木工程系 
娄在明 5. 中国电建市政建设集团有限公司 
Hong Chengyu 1. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University,2. Underground Polis Academy, Shenzhen University 
Bao Chengzhi 1. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University,2. Underground Polis Academy, Shenzhen University,3. Department of Civil Engineering, School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Shanghai University 
Wu Yajun 3. Department of Civil Engineering, School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Shanghai University 
Zhang Yifan 4. University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP), Hong Kong Polytechnic University 
Wang Nansu 1. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University,2. Underground Polis Academy, Shenzhen University,3. Department of Civil Engineering, School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Shanghai University 
Lou Zaiming 5. Stecol Corporation 
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      结合增材制造技术制备了光纤布拉格光栅(fiber Bragg grating, FBG)压力传感器,通过改变传感器的封装材料、填充密 度、以及封装模型尺寸,进行 FBG 压力传感器的测量型研究。 试验表明 FBG 传感器在封装过程中,因为温度变化产生的耗材收 缩与拉伸应变较为均匀,并根据模型内部的应变特点分别定义了经验的上界与下界函数、残余函数,上界函数为 f( x) = -9E- 08x 3+0. 000 4x 2-0. 709 8x+368. 86,定义为随着增材制造每层耗材的叠加,模型 50%核心位置处所产生的最大拉伸应变;下界函 数为 f(x)= -1E-08x 3-3E-05x 2+0. 096 4x-235. 95,定义为随着增材制造每层耗材的叠加,模型 50%核心位置处所产生的最大 收缩应变;残余函数为 f(x)= -5E-09x 3+1E-04x 2-0. 653x+712. 9,定义为增材制造过程结束后,模型温度降至室温过程中,模型 50%核心位置处随着时间所产生的残余收缩应变。 传感器的标定试验表明传感器具有良好的线性度与稳定性。 制备的边长 35 mm,厚度 10 mm 的立方体(35 mm×35 mm×10 mm)碳纤维传感器,当填充密度分别为 20%、40%、60%、80%、100%时,对应的 灵敏度分别为 0. 69、0. 45、0. 39、0. 21、0. 19 pm/ kPa,随着填充密度的增加传感器灵敏度随之减小。 当填充密度为 20%,直径为 60 mm,厚度分别为 6 和 15 mm 的圆柱体压力传感器时,获得的平均灵敏度分别为 0. 59 和 0. 18 pm/ kPa。 当填充密度为 20%, 传感器尺寸为直径 60 mm,厚度 15 mm 的圆柱体,碳纤维与聚乳酸脂材料对应的压力传感器平均灵敏度分别为 16. 26 和 0. 59 pm/ kPa。 因此可以通过改变增材制造填充密度和材料以及封装模型尺寸大小获得不同灵敏度的压力传感器。
      Based on additive manufacturing technology, this paper studies and fabricates a new FBG pressure sensor by changing additive manufacturing parameters including infill densities, infill model sizes, and infill materials. The test results show that the shrinkage strain and tensile strain of infill materials change evenly during encapsulation of FBG sensor. Three functions including the upper bound function-f(x)= -9E-08x 3+0. 000 4x 2-0. 709 8x+368. 86, the lower bound function-f(x)= -1E-08x 3 -3E-05x 2 +0. 096 4x-235. 95, and the residual function-f(x)= -5E-09x 3+1E-04x 2-0. 653x+712. 9 are defined respectively in term of the strain characteristics inside the printing model. The calibration test and stability test of the sensor prove that the FBG pressure sensor has good linearity and stability. When the infill densities of the FBG pressure sensor was 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% respectively, and the infill material and infill size were kept the same as the Carbon Fiber material and the cube model (35 mm×35 mm×10 mm), the sensor’s sensitivities was found to be 0. 69, 0. 45, 0. 39, 0. 21 and 0. 19 pm/ kPa, respectively, the sensitivities decrease with the increase of infill density. When the infill model is cylinder with diameter of 60 mm and thickness of 6 mm (60 mm×6 mm) and the cylinder (60 mm×15 mm) respectively, and the infill material and infill density was kept same as Carbon fiber and 20% respectively, the average sensitivities of FBG pressure sensors with thickness of 15 mm and 6 mm respectively are 0. 59 and 0. 18 pm/ kPa respectively. When the infill material is carbon fiber (CF) and Polylactic Acid (PLA) respectively, and the infill density and infill size was kept same as 20% and cylinder (60 mm× 15 mm) respectively, the average sensitivities of FBG pressure sensors made by PLA and CF respectively are 16. 26 and 0. 59 pm/ kPa respectively. Therefore, FBG pressure sensors of different sensitivity can be obtained by changing the infill density, infill material, and the size of infill model.
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