刘 民,王乾娟,李 军.空间守时系统概念研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(4):1-6
Study on the concept of space time keeping system
中文关键词:  空间守时系统  空间计量  守时  授时  相对论  脉冲星  太阳质心坐标系  原时  坐标时  反馈机制
英文关键词:space time-keeping system  space metrology  time keeping  dissemination of time  theory of general relativity  pulsar  solar system barycentre coordinate  proper time  coordinate time  feedback mechanism
刘 民 1.北京东方计量测试研究所 
王乾娟 1.北京东方计量测试研究所 
李 军 1.北京东方计量测试研究所 
Liu Min 1.Beijing Orient Institute of Metrology and Test 
Wang Qianjuan 1.Beijing Orient Institute of Metrology and Test 
Li Jun 1.Beijing Orient Institute of Metrology and Test 
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全文下载次数: 2
      针对太阳系广域时空尚没有统一时间的规则的问题,提出了一种新的统一时间的方法。 空间守时系统坚守人类对时间 的两个约定,即时间单位和时间起始点的约定,在基于广义相对论的空间计量理论的基础上,用铯原子钟测量原时,用脉冲星测 量坐标时,用太阳系质心坐标系原点上的坐标时来统一时间。 阐明了“标准时间不是唯一的”相对时间观,在不同局域坐标系 之间,相互观测对方的时间都不可能是均匀流逝的,相互认为对方的时间坐标轴是弯曲的,而绝对时间观则必须维持“标准时 间的唯一性”,用授时技术来统一所有用时设备。 空间守时系统的概念颠覆了传统的绝对时间观点。 空间守时系统具有特别 设计的反馈机制,使时间系统更加稳定。
      To solve the problem that there is no rule to unify time for wider space such as solar system, a new rule for time uniformity is proposed in this paper. Space time-keeping system (STKS) evolves from the concept of Space Metrology which is based on the theory of General Relativity, and meets the convention of time unit and the beginning of time. It uses the cesium atomic clock to measure proper time and pulsars to measure coordinate time, unifying time through the coordinate time on the origin of solar system barycentre coordinate. The viewpoint of relative time denies the uniqueness of standard time. For different local area or coordinates, when looking from each other, one’ s measurement of the other’ s time interval would be uneven, showing a curved coordinate axis. While on the viewpoint of absolute time, the standard time is unique and different timing devices could be synchronized by dissemination technology. The concept of STKS will revolutionize the traditional viewpoint of absolute time. With a customized feedback mechanism designed, it would improve time keeping technology to a more stable scale.
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