Improved gray wolf algorithm to optimize support vector machine for network traffic prediction
中文关键词:  现代网络  改进灰狼算法  相空间重构  历史样本数据  支持向量机  全局最优参数
英文关键词:modern network  improved gray wolf algorithm  phase space reconstruction  historical sample data  support vector machine  global optimal parameters
基金项目:运城学院协同创新项目:“黄河金三角短途旅游线路规划研究”(2015016)、运城学院应用研究项目(CY 2020028)、山西省教育科学“十三五”规划项目(HLW 20101)资助
杨晓敏 运城学院数学与信息技术学院运城044000 
Yang Xiaomin Maths & Information Technology School, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000, China 
摘要点击次数: 1015
全文下载次数: 5131
      High precision network traffic prediction is the basis of modern network intelligent management. Targeting at the problem of parameter optimization of SVM in the process of network traffic prediction modeling to improve the network traffic prediction results, this paper proposes the network traffic prediction model of SVM optimized by Improved Gray Wolf algorithm. Firstly, collect the historical data of network traffic, and preprocess the data with phase space reconstruction and normalization, then introduce the improved gray wolf algorithm to quickly search the relevant parameters of the global optimal support vector machine, and learn the historical data of network traffic after preprocessing according to the optimal parameters, and establish a prediction model that can mine the history data of network traffic including the law of change after that, the network traffic prediction model of SVM optimized by other algorithms is compared and analyzed. The results show that the prediction accuracy of the improved gray wolf algorithm optimized support vector machine is more than 90%, much higher than the compared model, and the training time of the prediction modeling process is less than the compared model, which can meet the requirements of high accuracy and real time network traffic management.
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