Research on key encryption method of physiological parameters for smart home
中文关键词:  脉搏  多参数  轻量级  密钥序列
英文关键词:pulse  multi parameter  lightweight  key sequence
陈思伟 安徽建筑大学电子与信息工程学院电能质量分析及负荷检测技术研究室合肥230601 
高翠云 安徽建筑大学电子与信息工程学院电能质量分析及负荷检测技术研究室合肥230601 
沈庆伟 安徽建筑大学电子与信息工程学院电能质量分析及负荷检测技术研究室合肥230601 
唐欢欢 安徽建筑大学电子与信息工程学院电能质量分析及负荷检测技术研究室合肥230601 
Chen Siwei Power Quality Analysis and Load Detection Technology Laboratory, School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China 
Gao Cuiyun Power Quality Analysis and Load Detection Technology Laboratory, School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China 
Shen Qingwei Power Quality Analysis and Load Detection Technology Laboratory, School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China 
Tang Huanhuan Power Quality Analysis and Load Detection Technology Laboratory, School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University, Hefei 230601, China 
摘要点击次数: 897
全文下载次数: 893
      针对健康智能家居系统中数据的隐私与安全性问题、存储和传输效率问题,提出了面向智能家居的生理参数密钥加密方法研究。通过提取脉搏波形数据的主波峰特征和短时傅里叶变换(STFT)频域特征并拼接得到密钥序列,随机性检验表明24 s原始数据可产生128 bit随机性良好的密钥序列,接着将3种参数的原始数据分块后先进行数据压缩再利用密钥序列采用AES对称加密与ECC非对称加密相结合。实验对比了3种参数的CECC、AECC、CAECC三种加密方法,实验结果表明CECC时间和空间开销最大;当参数数据量不大于64 KB时,AECC时间开销约为CAECC的08倍,空间开销约为CAECC的3倍,AECC时间开销最小,CAECC空间开销最小;当数据量大于64 KB时,CAECC时间和空间开销最小。
      Aiming at the issues of data privacy and security, storage and transmission efficiency in the health smart home system, this article proposed a key parameter encryption method for smart home. The key sequence is obtained by extracting the main peak characteristics of the pulse waveform data and the STFT frequency domain characteristics and splicing them together. The randomness test shows that the 24 s original data can generate a 128 bit key sequence with good randomness, and then the three parameters of the original data are divided into blocks Compress data first and then use the key sequence to combine AES symmetric encryption and ECC asymmetric encryption. The experiment compares the three encryption methods CECC, AECC and CAECC of the three parameters. The experimental results show that the CECC time and space overhead are the largest; when the parameter data amount is not greater than 64 KB, the AECC time overhead is about 08 times CAECC, and the space overhead is about 3 times of CAECC, AECC time overhead is minimum, CAECC space overhead is minimum; when the data volume is greater than 64 KB, CAECC time and space overhead is minimum.
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