Integrated enzyme free electrochemical system for the detection of glucose
中文关键词:  Ni(OH)2  丝网印刷电极  循环伏安法  时间电流法  葡萄糖
英文关键词:Ni(OH)2  screen printed electrode  cyclic voltammetry  chronoamperometry  glucose
张宏宇 1.燕山大学电气工程学院 智能康复与神经调控河北省重点实验室秦皇岛066004; 
詹志坤 1.燕山大学电气工程学院 智能康复与神经调控河北省重点实验室秦皇岛066004; 
李阳 1.燕山大学电气工程学院 智能康复与神经调控河北省重点实验室秦皇岛066004; 
沙晓鹏 2.东北大学秦皇岛分校控制工程学院秦皇岛066004; 
赵玉良 2.东北大学秦皇岛分校控制工程学院秦皇岛066004; 
徐江红 3.秦皇岛市中医医院秦皇岛066004 
Zhang Hongyu 1.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Rehabilitation and Neromodulation of Hebei Province, School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; 
Zhan Zhikun 1.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Rehabilitation and Neromodulation of Hebei Province, School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; 
Li Yang 1.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Rehabilitation and Neromodulation of Hebei Province, School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; 
Sha Xiaopeng 2.School of Control Engineering, Northeastern University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; 
Zhao Yuliang 2.School of Control Engineering, Northeastern University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China; 
Xu Jianghong 3.Qinhuangdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Qinhuangdao 066004, China 
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      针对血糖检测需求,结合功能化修饰、微机电系统(MEMS)和无线通信技术,提出了一种集成式无酶电化学葡萄糖检测分析系统。该系统以氢氧化镍(Ni(OH)2)修饰的丝网印刷电极为传感部件,通过构建集成化的信号测量电路实现微弱信号的转化、放大与传输。信号测量电路部分由微控制器、信号发生电路、恒电位电路、I/V转换电路、放大电路、A/D转换电路等部分构成,并集成在一块普通U盘大小的模块中。数据发送通过蓝牙无线传输实现,数据分析结果在上位机端显示。葡萄糖检测实验结果证明,该系统对葡萄糖溶液检测的灵敏度可达到1112 μA/mmol/L,检出限为459 μmol/L。通过系统性实验评价研究,证明所提出系统具备较好的重复性和抗干扰能力,电极寿命不短于48 h。由于该系统体积小、成本低,便于随身携带,有望在糖尿病的家庭预防和临床诊断中发挥更大作用。
      This paper proposes an integrated enzyme free electrochemical system for the detection and analysis of glucose based on the technologies of functional modification, MEMS and wireless communication. The nickel hydroxide (Ni (OH)2) modified screen printed electrodes were used as the sensing part, and an integrated circuit was designed for capturing, conversing and amplifying the weak signals. This circuit is composed of a microcontroller, a signal generator circuit, a constant potential circuit, an I/V conversion circuit, an amplifier circuit and an AD conversion circuit. All of these were integrated into a module with the size of a common U disk. The data was transmitted wirelessly via bluetooth and the analysis results were displayed on the upper device (PC or smart phone). The experimental results of glucose detection show that the sensitivity for glucose determination is about 1112 μA/mmol/L, and the detection limit is 459 μmol/L. Through systematic experimental evaluation, it is proved that the proposed system has a good repeatability and anti interference ability, and the electrode activity can last for more than 48 hours. The system is expected to play a greater role in home prevention and clinical diagnosis of diabetes due to its small size, low cost and portability.
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