Rolling element bearing remaining useful life estimation based on KPCA and improved long short term memory network
中文关键词:  长短期记忆神经网络  滚动轴承  Dropout  剩余寿命预测
英文关键词:long short term memory network  rolling element bearing  dropout  remaining useful life
车昱娇 1.北京航空航天大学北京100191 
陈云霞 1.北京航空航天大学北京100191; 2.可靠性与环境工程技术国防科技重点实验室北京100191 
崔宇轩 1.北京航空航天大学北京100191 
Che Yujiao 1Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; 
Chen Yunxia 1Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;2Science and Technology on Reliability and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Beijing 100191, China 
Cui Yuxuan 1Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; 
摘要点击次数: 786
全文下载次数: 4
      This paper presents a method of bearing remaining useful life prediction based on KPCA and long short memory neural network (LSTM) with dropout. Firstly, 14 time domain indexes of vibration signal, such as effective value, maximum value, peak peak value and kurtosis, are extracted. KPCA method is used to fuse the time domain characteristic indexes of bearing vibration signal and extract the first principal component to evaluate the degradation of bearing performance, and multiple principal components that meet the requirements are used as the input of the prediction model. Then an improved LSTM prediction model based on dropout strategy is established finally, the bearing data are used to verify the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can effectively predict the remaining useful life of the bearing, and has a good prediction effect. The prediction accuracy reaches 9592%.
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