盛涛,夏海宝,肖冰松.基于AIMM SRCKF的机动目标跟踪算法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2021,35(1):159-164
基于AIMM SRCKF的机动目标跟踪算法
Maneuvering target tracking algorithm based on AIMM SRCKF
中文关键词:  机动目标跟踪  交互式多模型  Markov转移概率  平方根容积卡尔曼滤波
英文关键词:maneuvering target tracking  interacting multiple model  Markov transition probability  square root cubature Kalman filter
盛涛 空军工程大学航空工程学院西安710038 
夏海宝 空军工程大学航空工程学院西安710038 
肖冰松 空军工程大学航空工程学院西安710038 
Sheng Tao Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China 
Xia Haibao Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China 
Xiao Bingsong Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China 
摘要点击次数: 1273
全文下载次数: 3
      为了解决交互式多模型(interacting multiple model, IMM)算法在目标机动时模型切换速度迟缓的问题,给出了一种Markov概率转移矩阵在线修正的自适应IMM(adaptive IMM, AIMM)算法,利用IMM子模型中连续两个时刻之间的概率差来调整Markov概率转移矩阵,以提高子模型的切换速度和分配的合理性,同时提高了IMM算法的跟踪精度。其次,将平方根容积卡尔曼滤波(square root cubature Kalman filter, SRCKF)引入到 AIMM 算法中,以解决在迭代滤波过程中协方差矩阵出现的非正定的问题,改善了数值稳定性,提出一种适用于机动目标跟踪的AIMM SRCKF算法,仿真实验结果表明,该算法能提高匹配模型概率,缩短模型切换时间。
      To solve the problem of model switching slowness in interactive multiple model (IMM) algorithm when the target is maneuvering, an adaptive IMM (AIMM) algorithm with Markov probability transfer matrix online correction is presented. The Markov probability transfer matrix is adjusted by the probability difference between two consecutive moments in the IMM sub model to improve the switching speed and the rationality of the assignment of the sub model, and the tracking accuracy is improved. Secondly, square root volumetric Kalman filter (SRCKF) is introduced into AIMM algorithm to solve the non positive definite problem of covariance matrix and improve the numerical stability during iterative filtering. AIMM SRCKF algorithm for maneuvering target tracking is proposed. The simulation results show that the algorithm can improve the probability of matching models and shorten the model switching time.
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