米伟娟,李 娜.基于变分自编码器的 WLAN 定位方法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(12):101-108
基于变分自编码器的 WLAN 定位方法
Variational auto encoder based WLAN positioning
中文关键词:  变分自编码器  WLAN 定位  神经网络
英文关键词:variational auto encoder  WLAN based positioning  neural network
米伟娟 1.河北传媒学院 信息技术与文化管理学院 
李 娜 1.河北传媒学院 信息技术与文化管理学院 
Mi Weijuan 1.Information Technology and Cultural Management Institue, Hebei Institute of Communication 
Li Na 1.Information Technology and Cultural Management Institue, Hebei Institute of Communication 
摘要点击次数: 454
全文下载次数: 508
      基于无线局域网络(WLAN)的定位是当前室内定位领域的主流技术之一。 提出一种基于变分自编码器的 WLAN 定位 方法,具备定位通路和接受信号强度(RSS)信号指纹重构通路,使得该方法既具备定位能力,也具备重新生成 RSS 信号指纹或 指纹地图的能力。 利用开源的数据集进行验证,证明了该方法在定位通路上,相比稀疏重构定位方法和传统 k 最邻近( kNN)定 位方法,误差分别下降了约 14%和 24%;能够对指纹地图(RM)进行重新生成,利用重构的 RM 进行定位,相比于利用稀疏重构 生成的 RM 定位误差下降了约 11%。
      Wireless local area network (WLAN) based positioningis one of the main stream techniques for indoor positioning. In this paper, a WLAN based method is proposed based on a variational auto encoder ( VAE), which contains a positioning path and a reconstruction path. This structure has enabled the ability to position along with reconstruction of RSS radio map (RM). The proposed methodis validated by open-sourced dataset, which shows that the proposed method can increase the positioning accuracy by about 14% and 24% respectively compared to the compressive sensing (CS) based methodand the traditional kNN method in the positioning path. Moreover,from the reconstructed RM, the method can have accuracy enhancement of about 11% in positioning than that from the CS reconstructed RM. Keywords:variational
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