Radar working state recognition based on the fusion hidden Markov model
中文关键词:  雷达工作状态  隐马尔科夫模型  DS证据理论  融合识别
英文关键词:radar working state  hidden Markov model  DS evidence theory  fusion recognition
董晓璇 1.空军工程大学航空机务士官学校 
胡华强 1.空军工程大学航空机务士官学校 
程嗣怡 2.空军工程大学航空工程学院 
Dong Xiaoxuan 1. Aviation Maintenance Sergeant College, Air Force Engineering University 
Hu Huaqiang 1. Aviation Maintenance Sergeant College, Air Force Engineering University 
Cheng Siyi 2. Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
摘要点击次数: 437
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      For the tracking problem of radar working state by electronic reconnaissance system, a radar working state tracking method based on fused hidden Markov model is proposed. First, the radar working process is modeled as a hidden Markov model by this algorithm. Second, by recognizing the reconnaissance radar phrase sequence, the tracking of radar working state is realized on a single platform. Finally, the DS evidence theory is used to fuse the recognition results of multi platform to realize the multi platform fusion tracking. The recognition rate of the algorithm is simulated, and the simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm can improve the tracking accuracy of radar working state under error observation. When the error rate of observation is 20%, the tracking accuracy reaches 93%.
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