田 宇,高 强,李 栋,毛泽民,李 智,田 禾.测距传感器性能评估与故障诊断方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):157-163
Research on performance evaluation and fault diagnosis methods of distance sensors
中文关键词:  测距传感器  不确定度  故障诊断  神经网络  小波去噪
英文关键词:ranging sensor  uncertainty  fault diagnosis  neural work  wavelet denoise
田 宇 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,2. 机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
高 强 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,2. 机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
李 栋 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,2. 机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
毛泽民 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,2. 机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
李 智 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,2. 机电工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
田 禾 1. 天津市复杂系统控制理论及应用重点实验室,3. 天津市先进机电系统设计与智能控制重点实验室 
Tian Yu 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,2. Center for Experimental Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Education 
Gao Qiang 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,2. Center for Experimental Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Education 
Li Dong 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,2. Center for Experimental Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Education 
Mao Zemin 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,2. Center for Experimental Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Education 
Li Zhi 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,2. Center for Experimental Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Education 
Tian He 1. Tianjin Key Laboratory for Control Theory & Applications in Complicated Systems,3. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Electromechanical System Design & Intelligent Control 
摘要点击次数: 273
全文下载次数: 701
      针对工业生产系统中传感器由于长期处于恶劣环境下,导致传感器易失效的问题,提出了一种基于标准不确定度的传 感器性能评估和故障诊断方法。 以方矩管生产过程为研究对象,首先,通过硬件测试实验选用磁栅尺和编码器作为测距传感 器,研究并设计了轧辊位置自动调整系统,将轧辊定位精度提高至±1 mm 以内;然后,利用小波滤波对传感器输出序列进行去 噪处理,并结合神经网络进行输出序列预测;最后,利用预测值与实际测量值的残差计算标准不确定度,通过判断不确定度大小 实现测距传感器故障诊断,以及对测距传感器实时性能的评估。 通过模拟精度下降故障传感器实验表明,该方法故障检测准确 率可达 90%以上,表明该方法的有效性。
      In order to deal with the problem that sensors in industrial production systems are prone to failure due to long-term exposure to harsh environments, a new method of sensor performance evaluation and fault diagnosis based on standard uncertainty is proposed. Taking the production process of square-tube as the research object, firstly, the magnetic scale and encoder are chose as the distance measuring sensor through the hardware test experiment, and the automatic adjustment system of the roll position is studied and designed, the roll positioning accuracy is improved within ±1 mm. Then, wavelet filtering is used to denoise the output sequence of the sensor, and the neural network is combined to predict the output sequence. Finally, the standard uncertainty is calculated by the residual of the predicted value and the actual measured value, the fault diagnosis of the ranging sensor and the evaluation of the real-time performance of the ranging sensor are realized by judging the size of the uncertainty. Simulation experiments on the faulty sensor with accuracy decrease showed that the fault detection accuracy of this method can reach more than 90%, and the proposed method is effective.
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