钟俊杰,邵 珩,聂中原,刘战捷.GPU 加速的路径依赖数字图像相关法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):149-156
GPU 加速的路径依赖数字图像相关法
Path-dependent digital image correlation based on GPU acceleration
中文关键词:  数字图像相关  路径依赖  图形处理单元
英文关键词:digital image correlation  path-dependent  GPU
钟俊杰 1.中国空间技术研究院 北京卫星制造厂有限公司 
邵 珩 1.中国空间技术研究院 北京卫星制造厂有限公司 
聂中原 1.中国空间技术研究院 北京卫星制造厂有限公司 
刘战捷 1.中国空间技术研究院 北京卫星制造厂有限公司 
Zhong Junjie 1.China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Spacecrafts Co. , Ltd. 
Shao Heng 1.China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Spacecrafts Co. , Ltd. 
Nie Zhongyuan 1.China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Spacecrafts Co. , Ltd. 
Liu Zhanjie 1.China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Spacecrafts Co. , Ltd. 
摘要点击次数: 641
全文下载次数: 639
      对于数字图像相关法(digital image correlation, DIC)计算效率的需求日益增长,提出了一种图形处理器(GPU)加速的路 径依赖 DIC 方法。 该算法利用基于快捷傅里叶变换的互相关算法(FFT-CC)计算初始种子点,利用反向组合高斯牛顿法( ICGN)进行亚像素匹配,然后通过初值传递策略快速产生多个新种子点参与亚像素匹配的并行计算,从而使其快速扩散,直至完 成整个感兴趣区域的计算。 利用公开的实验图例进行测试,结果表明方法精度良好,能得到清晰的表面变形云图,并且能在子 区大小 17×17 pixels 时获得 6. 5×10 5 点/ s 的计算速度,相对于典型的高速 DIC 算法速度提升超过 50%,为高速 DIC 算法的设计 提供了参考。
      The demands for computing efficiency of digital image correlation (DIC) is increasing, a GPU-accelerated path-dependent DIC method is proposed. This algorithm uses FFT-CC algorithm to calculate the initial seed points and IC-GN method to carry out subpixel registration. Then, through the initial value transfer scheme, multiple seed points are generated to participate in the parallel calculation of sub-pixel registration, so that the calculation points can be rapidly spread until the region of interest is completed. Experiment results show that, the proposed method has a good accuracy and can obtain a clear surface deformation nephogram. It achieves a computing speed of 6. 5×10 5 points per second with a subset size of 17×17 pixels. Compared with typical high-speed DIC algorithm, the speed enhancement is over 50%. It provides reference for the design of high speed DIC algorithm.
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