Heart rate monitoring method based on pulse signal fusion analysis
中文关键词:  耳后脉搏信号  指部脉搏信号  质量评估  信息融合  心率检测
英文关键词:pulse signal behind the ear  pulse signal of the finger  quality assessment  the information fusion  detection of heart rate
张爱华 1. 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院,2. 兰州理工大学 计算机与通信学院,3. 甘肃省工业过程先进控制重点实验室 
常婷婷 2. 兰州理工大学 计算机与通信学院 
漆宇晟 1. 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院,3. 甘肃省工业过程先进控制重点实验室,4. 兰州理工大学 电气与控制工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
许建雯 1. 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院,3. 甘肃省工业过程先进控制重点实验室,4. 兰州理工大学 电气与控制工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
马玉润 1. 兰州理工大学 电气工程与信息工程学院,3. 甘肃省工业过程先进控制重点实验室,4. 兰州理工大学 电气与控制工程国家级实验教学示范中心 
Zhang Aihua 1. College of Electrical and information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology,2. College of Computer and Communication, Lanzhou University of Technology,3. Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Control for Industrial Processes, Lanzhou University of Technology 
Chang Tingting 2. College of Computer and Communication, Lanzhou University of Technology 
Qi Yusheng 1. College of Electrical and information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology,3. Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Control for Industrial Processes, Lanzhou University of Technology,4. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Electrical and Control Engineering Education, Lanzhou University of Technology 
Xu Jianwen 1. College of Electrical and information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology,3. Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Control for Industrial Processes, Lanzhou University of Technology,4. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Electrical and Control Engineering Education, Lanzhou University of Technology 
Ma Yurun 1. College of Electrical and information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology,3. Key Laboratory of Gansu Advanced Control for Industrial Processes, Lanzhou University of Technology,4. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Electrical and Control Engineering Education, Lanzhou University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 275
全文下载次数: 622
      针对日常生活中脉搏信号在检测过程中易受运动影响,导致心率无法准确监测的问题,利用不同部位的脉搏信息受运 动影响在时间和程度之间的区别,提出了基于耳后与指部脉搏信号融合分析方法实现信息互补,来提高心率监测的准确性。 同 步检测耳后与指部脉搏信号,对其质量评估判断是否为可用段,当日常运动使得信号质量下降时,通过信息融合方法选取质量 较好的脉搏信号进行分析,从而确保心率的准确检测。 实验结果表明,相较于仅使用单一部位脉搏信号,耳后与指部脉搏信号 融合分析后的峰值检测的准确性从 90. 2%提高至 98. 8%。 提出的基于脉搏信息融合的方法具有更好的抗运动干扰能力,为日 常生活状态下的心率的准确检测提供了一种有效途径。
      To solve the problem that the daily pulse signal is susceptible to movement during the detection process, which causes the heart rate cannot be accurately monitored. A method to improve the accuracy of heart rate monitoring based on the fusion analysis of pulse signals behind the ears and the fingers is proposed. Use the difference between time and degree of pulse information of different parts affected by exercise to achieve information complementation. The pulse signals behind the ears and the fingers are detected simultaneously, and it is judged whether they are usable segments through quality assessment. When the signal quality is reduced due to motion interference, a better-quality pulse signal is selected for analysis by the information fusion method to ensure the accurate detection of the heart rate. The experimental results show that compared to using only a single-site pulse signal, the accuracy of peak detection after fusion analysis of the pulse signals behind the ear and the finger has been improved from 90. 2% to 98. 8%. The proposed method based on pulse information fusion has better ability to resist exercise interference and provides an effective way for the accurate detection of heart rate in daily life.
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