李 梦,韩帮国.双参数车辆行驶偏离提醒与预警策略研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):66-74
Study on prompting and alarming strategy of two-parameter vehicle driving deviation
中文关键词:  最大类间方差法  Fit Line 直线拟合  双参数预警  VBAI
英文关键词:Maximum inter-class variance method  Fit Line fitting  double-parameter warning  VBAI
李 梦 1.安徽信息工程学院 机械工程学院 
韩帮国 1.安徽信息工程学院 机械工程学院 
Li Meng 1.Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Anhui Institute of Information Engineering 
Han Bangguo 1.Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Anhui Institute of Information Engineering 
摘要点击次数: 219
全文下载次数: 655
      为提高车辆行驶偏离测量与干预的准确性,提出双参数偏离测量与干预策略。 借助 VBAI 进行图像处理,利用最大类 间方差法求解出不同环境下最佳二值化分割阈值。 设计灰度采集线获得车道边缘点,借助 Fit Line 算法拟合边缘点完成车道 线识别。 根据预警模型对相对航偏角与像素距离比进行分析,将提醒或预警的干预结果显示在界面上。 经道路实测,报警准确 率在 97. 7%以上,处理速度高于 1 / 42 s/ 帧。 系统对提高行驶安全性,降低偏离引起的交通事故有着实际的应用价值。
      In order to improve the accuracy of driving deviation measurement and intervention, the strategy of two-parameter deviation measurement and intervention is proposed. VBAI was used for image processing, and the optimal binarization segmentation threshold under different environments was automatically solved by using the maximum inter-class variance method. The gray acquisition Lines ware designed to obtain the lane edge points, and the Fit Line algorithm was used to fit the edge points to complete the lane line recognition. According to the prediction model, two parameters of the relative deviation angle and the ratio of pixel distance ware analyzed, and the different intervention results of prompting or alarming ware displayed on the interface. Measured by the road, the alarm accuracy was over 97. 7%, and the processing speed was higher than 1 / 42 s/ frames. The system has practical application value to improve driving safety and reduce traffic accidents caused by deviation.
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