唐 静,田 波,陈华君.基于节点-链路评估模型的移动物联网数据传输稳定算法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):58-65
Data transmission stability scheme of mobile internet of things based on node link evaluation model
中文关键词:  移动物联网  稳定传输  节点-链路评估  衰减损耗  数据传输依序度  传输能量可控度  中继链路控制度
英文关键词:mobile internet of things  stable transmission  node link evaluation  attenuation loss  data transmission order  transmission energy controllability  relay link controllability
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61741214)、贵州省科技厅联合基金(黔科合 LH 字[2017]7322 号)、贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长(黔教合 KY字[2016]298)、贵州省科技厅科技合作项目(黔科合 LH 字[2015]7251)资助
唐 静 1. 铜仁学院 大数据学院 
田 波 1. 铜仁学院 大数据学院 
陈华君 2. 广东工业大学 自动化学院 
Tang Jing 1. College of Big Data, Tongren University 
Tian Bo 1. College of Big Data, Tongren University 
Chen Huajun 2. College of Automation, Guandong University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 452
全文下载次数: 580
      为解决移动物联网数据传输过程中存在的数据传输质量不高、网络传输带宽较低等不足,提出了基于节点-链路评估 模型的移动物联网数据传输稳定算法。 考虑节点移动特性,设计了一种新的基于节点-链路评估模型,实现数据传输过程的多 维度评估。 随后,根据节点-链路评估模型,提出了数据传输依序度、中继链路控制度、传输能量可控度 3 个指标;并通过匹配节 点的传输功率,设计了基于数据传输依序度的移动物联网链路稳定方法,采用泊松分布模型来构建基于中继链路控制度的节点 稳定方法,并通过预估节点受限性能,提出了基于传输能量可控度的节点失效态传输节能方案,分别从节点、链路、能量 3 个层 次优化了移动物联网数据传输性能,有效提高较网络传输的稳定性。 仿真实验表明,与基于似然估计补偿机制的移动无线传感 网数据控制同步传输算法和基于预发射-精度提升机制的 LTE-5G 数据传输算法相比,所提算法具有更低的网络拥塞水平和节 点受限概率,以及更高的网络传输带宽。
      In order to solve the problems of low data transmission quality and low network transmission bandwidth in the process of data transmission of mobile Internet of things, a stable scheme of data transmission of mobile Internet of things based on node link evaluation model is proposed. Considering the characteristics of node movement, a new node link evaluation model was designed to realize multidimensional evaluation of data transmission process. Then, according to the node link evaluation model, three indexes of data transmission order, relay link control and transmission energy control were proposed. By matching the transmission power of nodes, a link stability method based on the order degree of data transmission was designed, and the poisson distribution model was used to build a node stability method based on the control degree of relay link, and by predicting the limited performance of nodes, a node failure state transmission energy saving scheme based on the control degree of transmission energy was proposed, so that the data transmission performance of the mobile Internet of things was optimized from node, link and energy, which can effectively improves the stability of the network transmission. The simulation results show that compared with the data control synchronous transmission algorithm based on the likelihood estimation compensation mechanism and LTE-5G data transmission algorithm based on the pre transmit precision improvement mechanism, this algorithm has lower congestion level and node limited probability, and higher network transmission bandwidth.
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