杨竹青,谢 宏.基于方差调节策略耦合结构特征的图像修复算法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):31-38
Image inpainting algorithm based on variance adjustment strategy coupling structural feature
中文关键词:  图像修复  梯度模值  结构度量因子  方差调节  优先权函数  结构特征
英文关键词:image inpainting  gradient modulus  structure measure factor  variance adjustment strategy  priority function  structure feature
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目( 61550110252, 51678127)、上海市科委计划重点项目( 14590101700)、上海市科学技术委员会(14441900300)、江苏高校优势学科建设工程(苏教高[2017]17 号)、江苏省自然科学基金(BK20131097)资助项目
杨竹青 1. 江苏信息职业技术学院 物联网工程学院 
谢 宏 2. 上海海事大学 信息工程学院 
Yang Zhuqing 1. College of Internet of things Engineering, Jiangsu Vocational College of Information Technology 
Xie Hong 2. School of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University 
摘要点击次数: 527
全文下载次数: 566
      针对当前图像修复算法主要采用图像的 R、G、B 信息来获取最优匹配块,忽略了图像的结构特征,导致修复图像中含有 纹理不连续及块现象等问题,设计了方差调节策略耦合结构特征的图像修复算法。 首先,借助图像的梯度模值来构造结构度量 因子,以度量图像的结构特征。 联合置信度项、结构度量因子和数据项,构造优先权函数,以寻求优先修复块。 然后,采用图像 的方差特征,建立方差调节策略,考虑图像纹理的动态变化,寻求与当前纹理情况最吻合的样本块尺寸。 最后,将结构度量因子 引入到最优匹配块的搜索过程中,以弥补通过 R、G、B 信息搜索最优匹配块时所忽略图像结构特征的不足,得出最优匹配块修 复图像,实现损坏区域的复原。 通过实验结果发现,较当前修复方案而言,所提算法的修复图像具备更优的纹理连续性。
      In view of the current image restoration algorithms mainly use the R, G, B information of the image to obtain the optimal matching block, which ignoring the structural features of the image and resulting in the problem of texture discontinuity and block phenomenon in the repaired image, this paper designs an image restoration algorithm with variance adjustment strategy coupling structural features. Firstly, the gradient modulus of image is used to construct the structure measurement factor to measure the structure characteristics of image. The priority function is constructed by combining the confidence term, structure measure factor and data term to find the priority repair block. Then, the variance feature of the image is used to establish the variance adjustment strategy, considering the dynamic changes of the image texture, to find the most consistent sample block size with the current texture situation. Finally, the structure measure factor is introduced into the search process of the optimal matching block to make up for the lack of the ignored image structure features when searching the optimal matching block through R, G, B information, accurately obtain the optimal matching block, and achieve the repair of the damaged area. The experimental results show that the algorithm has better texture continuity and visual effect than the current algorithm, and the performance is better.
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