许高斌,王亚洲,陈 兴,马渊明,张文晋.纳米压电梁谐振式加速度计[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):16-22
Nano piezoelectric beam resonant accelerometer
中文关键词:  压电驱动及其检测  纳米压电梁  低交叉耦合  高灵敏度
英文关键词:piezoelectric drive and its detection  nano piezoelectric beam  low cross coupling  high sensitivity
基金项目:装备预研/ 教育部联合基金(6141A02022422)、安徽省重点研发计划(1804a09020018)资助项目
许高斌 1.合肥工业大学 电子科学与应用物理学院 安徽省 MEMS 工程技术研究中心 
王亚洲 1.合肥工业大学 电子科学与应用物理学院 安徽省 MEMS 工程技术研究中心 
陈 兴 1.合肥工业大学 电子科学与应用物理学院 安徽省 MEMS 工程技术研究中心 
马渊明 1.合肥工业大学 电子科学与应用物理学院 安徽省 MEMS 工程技术研究中心 
张文晋 1.合肥工业大学 电子科学与应用物理学院 安徽省 MEMS 工程技术研究中心 
Xu Gaobin 1.Micro Electromechanical System Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Anhui Province,School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology 
Wang Yazhou 1.Micro Electromechanical System Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Anhui Province,School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology 
Chen Xing 1.Micro Electromechanical System Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Anhui Province,School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology 
Ma Yuanming 1.Micro Electromechanical System Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Anhui Province,School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology 
Zhang Wenjin 1.Micro Electromechanical System Research Center of Engineering and Technology of Anhui Province,School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology 
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      在现有的谐振式加速度计中,因具有较小的谐振频率和较低的灵敏度而无法应用于高精度制导和空中姿态微调等方 面。 为此,设计出了一种基于纳米压电梁的谐振式加速度计,采用上下双端音叉谐振器(谐振梁采用直径为 500 nm 的氧化锌) 与中心质量块、左右支撑梁对称分布,实现了低交叉耦合和高灵敏度输出。 分析并建立该加速度计结构的数学模型,在 ANSYS WORKBENCH 仿真平台下对其进行分析,上下谐振器的谐振频率分别为 2. 987 93 和 2. 987 29 MHz,在该谐振频率下,X 方向的 位移要比另外 Y、Z 两个方向高两个数量级以上;在 2 000g 加速度载荷作用下,该加速度计最大应力为 241. 46 MPa;在±10g 的设计 量程内,该结构的灵敏度为 1. 133 11 kHz/ g。 基于 SOI 技术,设计纳米压电梁谐振式加速度计的工艺流程以验证其正确性。
      In the existing resonant accelerometer, it cannot be used in high-precision guidance and air attitude fine-tuning because of its small resonance frequency and low sensitivity. For this reason, a resonant accelerometer based on nano piezoelectric beam is designed, which uses the upper and lower tuning fork resonators (the resonant beam uses the zinc oxide with a diameter of 500 nm) to distribute symmetrically with the central mass block and the left and right support beams, thus realizing low cross coupling and high sensitivity output. The mathematical model of the accelerometer structure is analyzed and established in ANSYS. It is analyzed under the simulation platform of workbench: the resonance frequencies of the upper and lower resonators are 2. 987 93 and 2. 987 29 MHz respectively, and the displacement in the X direction under the resonance frequency is two orders of magnitude higher than that in the other Y and Z directions; the maximum stress of the accelerometer under the action of 2 000g acceleration load is 241. 46 MPa; in the design range of ±10g, the sensitivity of the structure is 1. 133 11 kHz/ g. Based on SOI technology, the process flow of nano piezoelectric beam resonant accelerometer is designed to verify its correctness.
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