周 伟,巢 渊,李 龑,李兴成.基于改进 Harris 角点检测的芯片图像快速校正[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(10):8-15
基于改进 Harris 角点检测的芯片图像快速校正
Fast correction of chip image based on improved Harris corner detection
中文关键词:  Harris 角点检测  多边形逼近  最小二乘法  图像校正
英文关键词:Harris corner detection  polygon approximation  least square method  image correction
周 伟 1.江苏理工学院 机械工程学院 
巢 渊 1.江苏理工学院 机械工程学院 
李 龑 1.江苏理工学院 机械工程学院 
李兴成 1.江苏理工学院 机械工程学院 
Zhou Wei 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology 
Chao Yuan 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology 
Li Yan 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology 
Li Xingcheng 1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 402
全文下载次数: 626
      以方形扁平无引脚封装(QFN)芯片为实验对象,针对芯片在封装缺陷视觉检测过程中的图像倾斜问题,提出一种半导 体芯片图像快速校正方法。 首先,提出改进 Harris 角点检测算法,结合多边形逼近方法提取目标轮廓拐角顶点;其次,通过最小 二乘法对最长边顶点进行直线拟合;最后,根据直线拟合结果进行图像校正。 实验结果表明,与传统 Hough 变换、最小外接矩法 以及傅里叶变换校正方法相比,该方法获取的倾斜角度准确度更高,运行时间少于其 1 / 5,速度更快且效率更高。
      Taking the quad flat no-lead (QFN) package chip as the experimental object, proposes a fast image correction method for the semiconductor chip to solve the problem of the chip's image tilt during visual detection of packaging defects. Firstly, an improved Harris corner detection algorithm is proposed to extract the corner vertices of the target contour in combination with the polygon approximation method; secondly, the line fitting on the vertex of the longest edge is conducted by the least square method; finally, the image correction is carried out according to the line fitting results. The experimental results show as follows: compared with the traditional Hough transform, the minimum enclosing rectangle, and the Fourier transform correction method, the tilt angle obtained by the proposed method is more accurate, and the running time is less than one fifth of the above-mentioned traditional methods. Namely, it owns faster speed and higher efficiency.
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