张 坤,武科迪,苏宇锋.基于分段线性系统的宽频振动能量收集器[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(9):140-145
Wideband vibration harvester based on piecewise linear system
中文关键词:  分段线性系统  振动能量收集器  宽频  电磁感应
英文关键词:piecewise linear system  vibration energy harvester  wideband  electromagnetic induction
张 坤 1. 郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院,2. 河南工业大学 机电工程学院 
武科迪 1. 郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院 
苏宇锋 1. 郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院 
Zhang Kun 1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University,2. School of Electromechanical Engineering, Henan University of Technology 
Wu Kedi 1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University 
Su Yufeng 1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University 
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      研究了一种基于分段线性系统的宽频振动能量收集器,主要由抗磁稳定悬浮结构、弹性膜及感应线圈组成。 在静止状 态下,悬浮磁铁不需要任何外界能量稳定地悬浮在热解石墨板之间。 当振动能量采集器受到水平振动激励时,悬浮磁铁在两热 解石墨板之间摆动;当摆动幅度比较大时,悬浮磁铁将与弹性膜发生碰撞使系统刚度呈阶段性变化;随着悬浮磁铁运动,感应线 圈中的磁通量发生变化产生感应电动势,从而使外界振动能转化为电能。 当水平激励振幅为 5 mm 时,系统的工作带宽达到 3. 2 Hz,最大输出电压达到 78 mV,最大输出功率为 56. 3 μW;当水平振动激励的加速度为 3 m/ s 2 时,系统的工作带宽达到 2 Hz,最大输出电压为 44 mV,最大输出功率为 18 μW。
      A wideband vibration harvester based on piecewise linear system is proposed, which is mainly composed of the structure of diamagnetically stabilized levitation, induced coils and elastic films. The floating magnet is freely levitated between two pyrolytic graphite sheets without any external energy input. When a horizontal vibration excitation was applied to the vibration energy harvester, the floating magnet would oscillate between two pyrolysis graphite sheets, the floating magnet impacted to the elastic film with the increase of vibration intensity, which would cause the system stiffness to be segmented, the magnetic flux through the induced coils would change during the movement of the floating magnet, and the external vibration was converted into electrical energy. When the horizontal excitation amplitude is 5 mm, the operating bandwidth of the system reaches 3. 2 Hz, the maximum output voltage reaches 78 mV, and the maximum output power is 56. 3 μW. Under an excitation acceleration of 3 m/ s 2 , a maximum output voltage of 44 mV with the maximum power of 18 μW is obtained by the harvester, and the operating bandwidth of the system reaches 2 Hz.
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