吴 宇,胡鹤鸣,杨 卓,程 震,崔 航.基于关节臂的超声测流装置几何参数精测方法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(9):85-93
Research on precise measurement method of geometric parameter of ultrasonic flow measurement device based on AACMM
中文关键词:  几何参数  划线定位  超声测流  权重系数  精确测量
英文关键词:geometric parameters  scribe localization  ultrasonic flow measurement  weight coefficient  accurate measurement
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFF0206303)、广西科技基地和人才专项(桂科 AD17129065)、横向课题(33300000-19-QT0601-0004)资助项目
吴 宇 1. 广西壮族自治区计量检测研究院 
胡鹤鸣 2. 中国计量科学研究院 
杨 卓 3. 北京市南水北调南干渠管理处 
程 震 4. 北京市水文总站 
崔 航 2. 中国计量科学研究院,5. 中国计量大学 
Wu Yu 1. Guangxi Research Institute of Metrology & Test 
Hu Heming 2. National Institute of Metrology 
Yang Zhuo 3. Beijing south to North Water Transfer South Main Canal Management Office 
Cheng Zhen 4. Hydrographic Station of Beijing 
Cui Hang 2. National Institute of Metrology,5. China Jiliang University 
摘要点击次数: 479
全文下载次数: 608
      针对如何确保现场安装超声测流装置测量准确度的问题,提出了基于关节臂的现场安装探头几何参数精测方法。 首 先,对超声测流装置的流量计算模型进行分析,结果表明,其测量准确度建立在探头几何参数的准确测量基础上。 在此基础上, 通过探头的特殊设计及内外测比对试验,验证了使用关节臂外测探头三维坐标推算探头实际几何参数的可行性。 最后,在南水 北调中线工程的 3 个试点,使用关节臂精确测量插入式四声道超声测流装置探头三维坐标,分析得到探头几何参数的精确量值 和修正权重系数。 通过分析不同权重系数对超声测流装置平均流速的影响,结果表明,该方法能提高现场安装的超声测流装置 测量准确度 0. 02% ~ 0. 58%,对现场划线定位的准确度水平做出评价,验证了方法的合理性和有效性。
      Aiming at the problem of how to ensure the measurement accuracy of the on-site mounted ultrasonic flow measurement device, a precise measurement method of geometric parameters of the on-site mounted probe based on articulated arm coordinate measuring machine(AACMM) is proposed. Firstly, the flow-rate calculation model of ultrasonic flow measurement device is analyzed, the results show that the measurement accuracy is based on the accurate measurement of the geometric parameters of the probes. On this basis, through special design of probe and comparison of internal and external test, feasibility of using external probe 3-D coordinates value measured by AACMM to calculate probe actual geometric parameters is verified. Finally, in three test cases of middle route of south-tonorth water transfer project, 3-D coordinates value of probe of plug-in four-path ultrasonic flow measurement device are accurately measured by AACMM, precise geometric parameters of the probe and corrected weight coefficients are obtained by analysis. Through analysis of the influence of different weight coefficients on the average flow velocity of ultrasonic flow measurement device, the results show that the method can improve the measurement accuracy of the on-site mounted ultrasonic flow measurement device by 0. 02% ~ 0. 58%, the accuracy of scribe localization is evaluated, and also the rationality and effectiveness of the method are verified.
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