逯建琦,南建国,王 伟.基于萤火虫算法的无人机组网多径路由算法[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(9):69-76
Multipath routing algorithm for UAV networking based on firefly algorithm
中文关键词:  无人机自组网  多径路由  边界评价因子  萤火虫算法  流量分配
英文关键词:UAV Ad-Hoc network  multipath routing  boundary evaluation factor  firefly algorithm  flow allocation
逯建琦 1. 空军工程大学 
南建国 1. 空军工程大学 
王 伟 2. 95844 部队 
Lu Jianqi 1. Air Force Engineering University 
Nan Jianguo 1. Air Force Engineering University 
Wang Wei 2. Unit 95844 of PLA 
摘要点击次数: 588
全文下载次数: 639
      针对无人机自组网节点能量有限、移动快、数据多造成网络 QoS 下降的问题,提出将改进的萤火虫算法融入到多径路由 中形成萤火虫多径路由算法(AOMDV-FMRA)。 首先为减小速度对路径稳定度的影响,在路由发现过程中引入边界评价因子以 适应拓扑变化,再根据路径上节点的负载信息,对反向路由进行选择。 最后将能量评价参数映射到萤火虫算法中对收集到的路 径能量信息进行处理,作为流量分配的依据。 实验结果表明,与 AODV、AOMDV 相比,在节点速度高、网络流量大的环境中,算 法在端到端时延、网络生存时间、投递成功率、路由开销方面,均有良好性能。
      To solve the problem of network QoS degradation caused by the limited energy, fast movement and data of UAV Ad-Hoc network nodes, the improved firefly multipath routing algorithm (AOMDV-FMRA) was put forward. Firstly, in order to reduce the influence of speed on the path stability, a boundary evaluation factor is introduced into the route discovery process to adapt to the topology change. Then, the reverse route is selected according to the load information of the nodes on the path. Finally, the energy evaluation parameters are mapped to the firefly algorithm to process the collected path energy information as the basis for flow allocation. Experimental results show that, compared with AODV and AOMDV, in the environment of high node speed and large network traffic, the algorithm has good performance in aspects of end-to-end delay, network survival time, delivery success rate and routing cost.
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