Research on signal timing of multi-objective jointoptimization at single intersection
中文关键词:  Webster 延误模型  改进 PSO 算法  信号配时  多目标函数
英文关键词:Webster delay model  improved PSO algorithm  signal timing  multi-objective function
牟海维 1.东北石油大学 电子科学学院 
戚先锋 1.东北石油大学 电子科学学院 
刘彦昌 1.东北石油大学 电子科学学院 
孙明港 1.东北石油大学 电子科学学院 
祁妍嫣 1.东北石油大学 电子科学学院 
Mu Haiwei 1.College of Electronic Science, Northeast Petroleum University 
Qi Xianfeng 1.College of Electronic Science, Northeast Petroleum University 
Liu Yanchang 1.College of Electronic Science, Northeast Petroleum University 
Sun Minggang 1.College of Electronic Science, Northeast Petroleum University 
Qi Yanyan 1.College of Electronic Science, Northeast Petroleum University 
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全文下载次数: 1049
      传统的交叉口信号配时大多只从提高车辆的通行效率这一角度出发,未考虑交叉口处的行人因素以及车辆尾气排放, 容易造成交通事故,加剧环境污染。 从车辆和行人的交通效益以及环保角度出发,在改进的 Webster 延误模型基础上提出了以 车辆延误、行人延误、停车率、通行能力、尾气排放为优化指标的多目标函数,利用改进的粒子群优化算法(PSO)对所建立的多 目标函数求出最佳信号周期;再利用流量比计算公式求出各个相位的红绿灯时间。 使用这种配时方案,在交通流量高峰期,可 以使车辆的延误降低 18. 7%,停车率降低 15. 9%,行人延误降低 17. 8%,尾气排放降低 38%;在交通流量低峰期时,可以使车辆 的延误降低 11. 6%,停车率降低 6. 9%,通行能力提高 8%,行人延误降低 28. 6%,尾气排放降低 5. 6%。 使用这种配时方案在一 定程度上可以提高道路通行能力、减少交通事故、减少尾气排放、降低道路拥堵。
      The purpose of the most traditional intersection signal is to improve the traffic efficiency of vehicles, without considering the pedestrian factors at the intersection and vehicle exhaust emissions, it is easy to cause traffic accidents and aggravate environmental pollution. On the basis of the improved Webster delay model, proposing a multi-objective function with vehicle delay, pedestrian delay, parking rate, traffic capacity and exhaust emission as the optimization index. Using the improved PSO algorithm to find the optimal signal period for the established multi-objective function, and then using the flow ratio calculation formula to find the red and green phases Light time. The use of this timing scheme can reduce vehicle delays by 18. 7%, parking rate by 15. 9%, pedestrian delays by 17. 8% and exhaust emissions by 38% during peak periods of traffic flow. At peak periods, vehicle delays can be reduced by 11. 6%, parking rate by 6. 9%, capacity by 8%, pedestrian delays by 28. 6% and exhaust emissions by 5. 6%. Using this timing scheme of this subject can improve road capacity, reduce traffic accidents, reduce exhaust emissions and reduce road congestion to a certain extent.
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