刘 博,王小平,常怡鹏,陈 勇,周 问,王文华.二对一主动防御的最优协同制导算法研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(9):40-46
Optimal cooperative guidance algorithm for two-on-one active defense
中文关键词:  主动防御  协同制导  最优协同制导律  相对末端截距角
英文关键词:active defense  cooperative guidance  optimal cooperative guidance law  relative end intercept angle
刘 博 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
王小平 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
常怡鹏 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
陈 勇 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
周 问 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
王文华 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 
Liu Bo 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
Wang Xiaoping 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
Chang Yipeng 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
Chen Yong 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
Zhou Wen 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
Wang Wenhua 1.Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University 
摘要点击次数: 493
全文下载次数: 585
      针对防御导弹拦截攻击导弹的空战场景,提出了一种二对一主动防御的最优协同制导算法,该算法在传统一对一最优 制导算法的基础上,加入了第二枚防御导弹对高价值目标飞行器进行保护,并对二对一作战模式下最优协同制导律进行推导。 仿真结果表明,与比例导引(PN)制导律相比,通过引入最小化相对末端截距角偏离量优化指标,将两枚防御导弹相对距离保持 在一个很小的范围,达到了很好的协同拦截效果,并使防御导弹控制能量消耗减小,从而验证了最优协同制导律的有效性和优 越性。
      Aiming at the air combat scenario where the defensive missile intercepts the attacking missile, this paper proposes an optimal cooperative guidance algorithm with two-to-one active defense. This algorithm adds a second defensive missile pair on the basis of the traditional one-to-one optimal guidance algorithm protect high-value target aircraft, and derive the optimal cooperative guidance law in two-to-one combat mode. The simulation results show that compared with the proportional guidance (PN) guidance law, by introducing an optimization index that minimizes the deviation of the relative end intercept angle, the relative distance between the two defensive missiles is kept within a very small range, which achieves a very good effect of coordinated interception, it reduces the energy consumption of defense missile control, thereby verifies the effectiveness and superiority of the optimal coordinated guidance rate.
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