彭钰钦,涂亚庆,杨辉跃.DFT 算法频率和相位差测量不确定度评估[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(9):17-22
DFT 算法频率和相位差测量不确定度评估
Uncertainty evaluation of DFT frequency and phase difference measurement
中文关键词:  DFT  频率测量  相位差测量  不确定度评估
英文关键词:DFT  frequency measurement  phase difference measurement  uncertainty evaluation
彭钰钦 1.陆军勤务学院 
涂亚庆 1.陆军勤务学院 
杨辉跃 1.陆军勤务学院 
Peng Yuqin 1.Army Logistics University of PLA 
Tu Yaqing 1.Army Logistics University of PLA 
Yang Huiyue 1.Army Logistics University of PLA 
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全文下载次数: 620
      由于存在测量误差,测量结果就带有不确定性,测量不确定度是评估测量结果质量高低的重要指标。 将采样长度与信 号周期比值分为整数和小数部分,推导出离散傅里叶变换(DFT)算法频率和相位差的测量误差;运用 B 类不确定度评估方法, 分别分析由频谱泄漏、加窗和栅栏效应造成的频率测量不确定度,得到频率测量合成不确定度表达式;通过相位差测量误差与 频率测量误差的关系,推导出相位差不确定度表达式;最后通过计算分析,验证了频率和相位差测量误差、测量不确定度与采样 长度的关系,分析结果表明了评估过程的可行性和有效性。
      Because of the measurement error, the measurement result is uncertain. Measurement uncertainty is an important indicator for evaluating the quality of measurement results. The ratio of the sampling length to the signal period is divided into integer and decimal parts, and the measurement errors of the DFT frequency and phase difference are deduced. The Class B uncertainty evaluation method is adopted to analyze the frequency measurement uncertainty caused by spectrum leakage, windowing, and fence effect, and the synthetic uncertainty of frequency measurement is obtained. Then the phase difference uncertainty is determined through the relationship between phase difference measurement error and frequency measurement error. Finally, through calculation and analysis, the relationship between the sampling length and measurement error as well as uncertainty of frequency and phase difference is verified. The analysis results show that the evaluation process is feasible and effective.
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