周 山,刘利平,高建宇,张宝存.三维力传感器静态解耦方法的研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(8):181-187
Research on static decoupling algorithm for 3-axis wrist force sensor
中文关键词:  三维力传感器  静态解耦  维间耦合
英文关键词:three-axis force sensor  static decoupling  static coupling
周 山 1. 华北理工大学 人工智能学院 
刘利平 1. 华北理工大学 人工智能学院,2. 华北理工大学 矿业学院 
高建宇 3. 华北理工大学 轻工学院 
张宝存 4. 德森特传感系统工程有限公司 
Zhou Shan 1. College of Artificial Intelligence,North China University of Science and Technology 
Liu Liping 1. College of Artificial Intelligence,North China University of Science and Technology,2. College of Mining Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology 
Gao Jianyu 3. Qing Gong College,North China University of Science and Technology 
Zhang Baocun 4. Desente(Shenzhen) sensor system engineering Co. , Ltd 
摘要点击次数: 407
全文下载次数: 687
      维间耦合是影响三维力传感器测量精度的重要因素。 针对存在耦合的现象,介绍了三维力传感器维间耦合的基本原 理,分析了基于克拉默法,求解矩阵广义逆解耦算法,并对传统基于耦合误差建模的静态解耦算法进行改进,对耦合方向的数据 采用牛顿三次插值法进行处理。 以自主研制的三维力传感器进行标定实验,采用 3 种解耦方法进行计算。 实验结果表明改进 后的基于耦合误差建模解耦算法与传统解耦方法和改进前的方法相比,具有更高的解耦精度。
      Static coupling is one of the most important factors affecting the measuring accuracy of three-axis force sensor. For the phenomenon of coupling, this paper introduces the principle of three-axis force sensor’ s couple. Analysis of two different linear decoupling algorithms, which were based on the Cramer theorem and the least square method. The static decoupling algorithm based on coupling error modeling is improved. Processing the data in the coupling direction using Newton’ s cubic interpolation method. The experimental results on the self-developed three-axis wrist force sensor show that the novel algorithm has high precision.
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