Research on the current measurement technology of the combinationof Rogowski coil and tunnel magnetoresistance sensor
中文关键词:  电流测试  车载微电网  罗氏线圈  隧道磁阻传感器  复合
英文关键词:current measurement  vehicle microgrid  Rogowski coil  tunnel magnetoresistance  compound
基金项目:山西省高等学校科技创新项目( 2019L0536)、山西省高等学校青年科研人员培育计划( 1912100027MZ)、山西省重点研发计划(201804D131038、201903D421032)、中北大学研究生科技立项(20191671)资助
陈昌鑫 1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,2. 太原理工大学 电力系统运行与控制山西省重点实验室,3. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
郭文超 1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,3. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
冉召会 1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,3. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
马铁华 1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室,3. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
任一峰 3. 中北大学 电气与控制工程学院 
Chen Changxin 1. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China,2. Shanxi Key Lab of Power System Operation and Control, Taiyuan University of Technology,3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North University of China 
Guo Wenchao 1. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China,3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North University of China 
Ran Zhaohui 1. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China,3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North University of China 
Ma Tiehua 1. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China,3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North University of China 
Ren Yifeng 3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering, North University of China 
摘要点击次数: 367
全文下载次数: 4832
      针对车载微电网中电流频率成分丰富和电磁环境复杂的环境特征,为了实现车载微电网电流测试的问题,利用隧道磁 阻传感器低频特性好和罗氏线圈中高频特性好的优点,研究了罗氏线圈与隧道磁阻复合的全封闭式电流测试方法。 采用 Ansoft Maxwell 对屏蔽壳体的屏蔽效能进行了仿真分析,利用罗氏线圈和隧道磁阻传感器进行工频测试实验,并以钳形电流探 头作为基准完成标定,将标定后的传感器及测试系统进行微电网储能并/ 离网过程中的尖峰脉冲电流测试实验,进行了数据复 合处理。 实验结果表明,复合后的电流测试信号与钳形电流探头测量信号一致性好,特别是尖峰处误差减小,复合后脉冲电流 峰值相对误差减少到 3. 67%。 罗氏线圈与隧道磁阻两种传感器数据复合的电流测试方法对于装备的电气化测试具有重要 意义。
      In order to solve the problem of current measurement in vehicle microgrid with rich current frequency components and complex electromagnetic environment, a new closed current measurement method is proposed, which is based on the advantages of low frequency characteristics of tunnel reluctance sensor and high frequency characteristics of rogowski coil. Ansoft Maxwell is used to simulate and analyze the shielding effectiveness of the shielding shell. The power frequency measurement experiment is carried out with Rogowski coil and tunnel magnetoresistance sensor, and the calibration is completed with the clamp current probe as the benchmark. The calibration parameters are applied to the peak pulse current measurement in the process of micro grid parallel and off grid, and the data composite processing is carried out. The experimental results show that the composite current measurement signal is in good agreement with the clamp current probe signal, especially performs as the reduction of the peak error, and the relative error of the composite peak pulse current is reduced to 3. 67%. The current measurement method based on the data combination of rogowski coil and tunnel magnetoresistance is of great significance for the electrical measurement of equipment.
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