韦海成,蔡 坤,赵 静.改进 VMD 算法消除脉搏波基线漂移研究[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(8):144-150
改进 VMD 算法消除脉搏波基线漂移研究
Study of improved VMD algorithm to eliminate baseline drift of PPG
中文关键词:  光电容积法  基线漂移  变分经验模态分解  经验模态分解
英文关键词:Photoplethysmography  baseline wander  VMD  EMD
韦海成 1. 北方民族大学 基础实验教学与工程实训中心 
蔡 坤 2. 北方民族大学 计算机科学与工程学院 
赵 静 3. 宁夏大学 信息工程学院 
Wei Haicheng 1. Basic Experimental Teaching and Engineering Training Center North Minzu University 
Cai Kun 2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, North Minzu University 
Zhao Jing 3. School of Information Engineering, Ningxia University 
摘要点击次数: 450
全文下载次数: 720
      针对光电容积法采集的脉搏波信号容易受到干扰出现基线漂移的现象,提出了一种改进变分模态分解消除基线漂移噪 声算法。 算法先利用变分模态分解(VMD)将脉搏波信号分解成多模态分量,然后筛选出含有基线漂移的分量进行经验模态分 解(EMD),并消除经验模态分解的余项,最后将全部模态重构。 实验结果表明:该算法可以有效去除基线漂移,减少失真。 与 单纯使用 EMD 算法相比,改进 VMD 算法的含噪信号功率与降噪后信号功率比为 0. 26,均方误差为 1. 73,有效提高了信号的 质量。
      The pulse wave signal collected by optical capacitance product method is easy to be interfered and the baseline drift noise occurs. An improved variational mode decomposition (VMD) algorithm is proposed to eliminate baseline drift noise. Firstly, the PPG signal is resolved into multi-modal components by means of variational mode decomposition, and the residual items of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) are eliminated. Finally, all modes are reconstructed. The experimental results show that the signal with drift effectivity could be reduced by the algorithm. Compared with the EMD algorithm, the noise of signal reduce ratio and mean square error of the improved VMD algorithm are 0. 26 and 1. 73, which can improve the quality of signals effectively.
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