王好贞,杨 媛,魏小源,闫佳轩.Barker 编码激励超声导波在断轨检测中的应用[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(8):101-108
Barker 编码激励超声导波在断轨检测中的应用
Application of Barker code excited ultrasonic guided waves in broken rail detection
中文关键词:  压电超声换能器  编码激励  脉冲压缩
英文关键词:piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer  coded excitation  pulsed compression
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51477138)、西安市科技计划项目(2017080CG/ RC043(XALG009))资助
王好贞 1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院 
杨 媛 1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院 
魏小源 1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院 
闫佳轩 1.西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院 
Wang Haozhen 1.Department of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology 
Yang Yuan 1.Department of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology 
Wei Xiaoyuan 1.Department of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology 
Yan Jiaxuan 1.Department of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology 
摘要点击次数: 205
全文下载次数: 486
      为增大钢轨中接收端超声导波信号幅度并提高超声导波辨识度,提出将编码激励技术应用到超声导波断轨检测系统 中。 系统在发射端采用持续时间较长的 13 位 Barker 编码信号激励超声换能器产生超声导波,在接收端采用匹配滤波方法对回 波信号进行脉冲压缩。 针对 1 m 长 60 型钢轨分别进行了仿真分析和实验验证,结果表明,实验结果与仿真结果具有很好的一 致性,Barker 码激励经匹配滤波脉冲压缩后的信号幅度远远大于单脉冲激励接收信号幅度,前者是后者的 3 倍多;归一化后两 者信号在时域上波形几乎完全重合,两者的信号相似度仿真与实验结果分别达到 99. 39%和 99. 29%。 研究结果表明,利用 Barker 码作为激励产生超声导波信号是可行的,并可应用于断轨检测中。
      In order to increase the amplitude of the ultrasonic guided wave (UGW) signal at the receiving end of the rail and improve the identification of the guided waves, the coded excitation technique is applied to UGW broken rail detection system in this paper. At the transmitters, the system uses a long duration 13-bit Barker-coded to generate UGW excitation signal. At the receivers, the matched filtering method is used to make pulsed compression of the echo signal. In this paper, the simulation analysis and experimental verification on 1 meter 60 type rail are carried out. The results show that the experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results. The signal amplitude of Barker code excitation after pulsed compression by matched filtering is much higher than the received signal of single pulse excitation, compared with the received signal of the single pulse excitation, the amplitude of the Barker code excitation received signal increases to more than three times of that. The normalized waveforms of the two signals are almost completely coincident in the time domain, the similarity between the two signals in the simulation and experiment results is reached 99. 39% and 99. 29% respectively. The conclusion can be drawn that using Barker code as excitation to obtain UGW is feasible and the Barker code excited UGW can be applied in broken rail detection.
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