郭庭铭,苏江涛,刘 军,王 飞.宽带矢量网络测试的 TRM 校准方法不确定度分析[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(8):79-85
宽带矢量网络测试的 TRM 校准方法不确定度分析
Uncertainty analysis of TRM calibration method for broadband vector network measurement
中文关键词:  TRM 校准  S 参数测试  矢量网络分析仪  误差分析  测试不确定度
英文关键词:TRM calibration  S parameter measurement  vector network analyzer  error analysis  measurement uncertainty
郭庭铭 1.杭州电子科技大学 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室 
苏江涛 1.杭州电子科技大学 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室 
刘 军 1.杭州电子科技大学 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室 
王 飞 1.杭州电子科技大学 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室 
Guo Tingming 1.Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and Systems,HangZhou DianZi University 
Su Jiangtao 1.Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and Systems,HangZhou DianZi University 
Liu Jun 1.Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and Systems,HangZhou DianZi University 
Wang Fei 1.Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and Systems,HangZhou DianZi University 
摘要点击次数: 275
全文下载次数: 651
      宽带网络测试是获取微波毫米波器件电学特性的重要手段,而 TRM 校准方法被广泛应用于宽带网络测试系统的校准 中。 为了有效地评估测试数据的准确性,需要对 TRM 校准与测试进行误差不确定度度分析。 对基于 8 项误差的在片测试的小 信号校准与误差修正原理进行了阐述,以此为基础推到了 TRM 校准方法的不确定度传播公式,能够有效地评估各项校准件的 非理想性对校准结果的影响。 通过采用参数已知的传输线作为非理想直通校准件进行验证实验。 实验结果表明,不确定度传 播公式能够准确地评估测试数据的误差,最大差值不超过 0. 02 dB。
      Broadband network measurement is an important means to obtain the electrical characteristics of microwave and millimeter wave devices, and the TRM calibration method is widely used in the calibration of broadband network measurement systems. In order to effectively evaluate the accuracy of the measurement data, it is necessary to analyze the uncertainty of the TRM calibration and measurement. The principle of small-signal calibration and error correction based on 8-term on wafer measurement is explained. Based on this, the uncertainty propagation formula of the TRM calibration method is pushed, which can effectively evaluate the non-ideality of each calibration kits. Effect of calibration results. The verification experiment was performed by using a transmission line with known parameters as a non-ideal straight-through calibration kit. The experimental results show that the uncertainty propagation formula can accurately evaluate the error of the measurement data, and the maximum difference does not exceed 0. 02 dB.
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