申永鹏,郑竹风,王耀南,孟步敏,李会仙.基于 PLL 自适应滑模观测器的 PMSM 无传感器控制[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(8):22-29
基于 PLL 自适应滑模观测器的 PMSM 无传感器控制
Adaptive sliding mode observer based on PLL in sensorless control of PMSM
中文关键词:  永磁同步电机  自适应律  滑模观测器  锁相环
英文关键词:PMSM  adaptive law  sliding mode observer  PLL
申永鹏 1. 郑州轻工业大学 电气信息工程学院 
郑竹风 1. 郑州轻工业大学 电气信息工程学院 
王耀南 2. 湖南大学 电气信息工程学院 
孟步敏 2. 湖南大学 电气信息工程学院 
李会仙 3. 郑州宇通集团有限公司 
Shen Yongpeng 1. College of Electrical Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 
Zheng Zhufeng 1. College of Electrical Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 
Wang Yaonan 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University 
Meng Bumin 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University 
Li Huixian 3. Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co. Ltd 
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      针对传统滑模观测器无传感器控制方法反电动势基波中高频谐波含量高、抖振严重以及转子位置估计误差大等问题, 提出了一种锁相环结构(PLL)自适应滑模观测器永磁同步电机无传感器控制方法。 首先,在满足 Lyapunov 稳定性的前提下,推 导并建立了反电动势的自适应律,通过构造自适应滑模观测器,使得反电动势观测误差迅速衰减;同时采用带有消除旋转影响 环节的锁相环得到转子位置,消除了转速变化的影响,进一步提高了观测精度;最后,在一台 2. 9 kW 表贴式永磁同步电机上进 行了实验验证。 实验结果表明,该方法有效地抑制了滑模抖振,降低了反电动势中的高频谐波,提高了转子位置的观测精度。
      In the traditional sliding mode observer based sensorless field oriented control scheme for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the fundamental wave of the observed back electromotive force ( back-EMF) has high frequency harmonics and chattering problem, and the observed rotor position is not accurate enough. Focused on these problems, a PLL adaptive sliding mode observer based sensorless control method for PMSM is proposed. Firstly, under the premise of Lyapunov stability, adaptive rule of back EMF is established and deduced. It makes the error of the observed back-EMF decline rapidly by constructing the adaptive sliding mode observer. Meanwhile, the rotor position is obtained by introducing the rotated influence immune phase-locked loop, which eliminates the influence of rotation speed change and further improves the observation accuracy. Finally, the experimental results based on a 2. 9 kW PMSM show that the proposed method can effectively suppress the chattering of the sliding mode, reduce the high frequency harmonics of the back-EMF, and improve the observation accuracy of the rotor position.
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