胡嘉阳,韦 巍.基于五次 NURBS 曲线的六轴机器人多目标轨迹优化[J].电子测量与仪器学报,2020,34(6):198-203
基于五次 NURBS 曲线的六轴机器人多目标轨迹优化
Multi-objective optimization of six-axis manipulator’s trajectory based on five-order nurbs curve
中文关键词:  多目标优化  轨迹规划  5 次 NURBS 曲线  混合粒子群算法  六轴机械臂
英文关键词:multi-objective optimal  optimal trajectory planning  quantic NURBS curve  HPSO  6 DOF manipulator
胡嘉阳 1.浙江大学 电气工程学院 
韦 巍 1.浙江大学 电气工程学院 
Hu Jiayang 1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University 
Wei Wei 1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University 
摘要点击次数: 554
全文下载次数: 967
      为了提升机械臂工作的效率,提出了一种基于混合粒子群算法的轨迹规划优化方法,使用 5 次 NURBS 曲线为工作轨 迹,利用混合粒子群算法,针对机械臂的脉动冲击、能量消耗和工作时间 3 个目标建立目标函数并获得帕累托最优解集,将权重 目标函数归一化从而得到期望解。 在 MATLAB 环境下由这一方法建立模型进行仿真,并选取六轴机械臂进行仿真分析之后得 出非支配解集,并选取最优解,证实了该轨迹规划方法可以有效的提升机械臂的运行效率,并且能够实现约束条件下的多目标 优化。
      In order to promote the work efficiency, energy consumption and the smoothness of the manipulator, a mathematical model of quantic non uniform rational B-spline curve (NURBS) was set up to find trajectory with high-order of which endpoint parameters was specified. A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm ( HPSO) was used in the MATLAB simulation to get the perfect Pareto solutions under three normalized weighted objectives for six-degree freedom manipulator’ s trajectory. Through the simulation, it shows that the quantic NURBS curve can be constructed to fitting high order trajectory and the HPSO algorithm can provide a good means to get the Pareto solutions for the trajectory described above.
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